Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 24 August 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
MtNISTEK DaM«S snid «t tbu C«nncil meet ng y,*ster>lfty ttiat *be \v.*nt* d to *** *ke tliis g>*v«rnment n s»u*cess. nud it uever w"ul«l be h 8<u*cess until llio jh*o* l>le lih«1 a bai>d in it i'he min ister is j>eifectlv c<*nvcl bnt if “lbem*8 «rc bis sei t uu*nts ‘ «by did lie t <k<* a i<a><*l m iu;«k>ng n const>tuti>>u wliieh depriv«*» tl*e j»eople «*f nll |K*wer «ilil whieh cre <tes an «»!*g rcby hu«1 u«*t h rep*iblic I' Mr. D<i»u*n sincere «r d<*es lie 8j«eMk t«* tbe g.llery f