Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 24 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
T. B. Murray Ih Yet t» ue Foitnil On the Oiil «tand, Yo. 44 MI112 »t,—iin Bnsiae»o o» CARRIAGE anh ™s (ioen On. When the '’PEOPLES’ P ARTY” g ; *ts auiaahed he wlll be ready to RB?iI3,P\lHf 1«D TRIMIT At a Rj sonnble F gare.— No Evtr.i Cb.nge for Farnisbiag tbem witb C miuon Sense LET THE I UINO UP , MUrUAL T*iLEPHO *E 572. Jr3t «m UOVeJoy &CQ. Wiqe \ ;j ūealei^ 19 Nuuanu Street i 1 We 1 wmiM eill y-nr »t'ention lo Oor >|‘ eial Brands t Longhfe $ Pjre Cream I RYE VJrllSKEY. r Frederickiburn BEER »*)2 in e 9(3 <>r b»ttiee Tlje Wo?ld Do W)OVE ASD 90 D *ES *il[Z • Jfe2sengjj • Seraice wbo h*ve in>*'mted their M 99e!»gen on Columbia - 13lcycle» 1 They will «ieliver P*ckiges (uo t t» 5»J !bs. we-ght) nnd Mt*M>ge« K q‘»ell*r Uhh» by aoy other method i*i'd eheap* rl«» i “Do i’t be » 9m tim9 !*nd mnn*-v by usi»2 the Mese«uirer t8crv.c-. L- M. Man»g»r ii Mulual 599 Tel: Bali 559 iy5 3o»