Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 24 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Golden , Hule i Bazaar, Depot £or KEW8P PERS act PERIODIC \LS by even , I incoming steatuer. Sub8Criptious PMy«ble in Advaace. — DOMESTIC 8EWINO MACH£NES. Tl>is M«cl»ine s tl>e Kmg <•£ h 11. On t y<»u c«n ui >k** a L<>ck- • stitcb, eLnin »t.tcl>. Eiobr.'.»dery, buttun b«)es R ffles. Tucks. Guitars, Liwn T« nn : R, Bas*-b.ill. Cn»qnet. StHti*»nen’ nn<1 Biank Bo<>ks ut CASH t R1CES. IImikI Sewing Mmhinea £fh»n eigbt dullHrs .«nd a b»«lf np. {j\27 T. H. Davies & Co., Hji3=CLitedFresh Feed * and Flour From WASH1NGT0N. Lion Fiour, Oats, BarSey, Middlings, Bran, Per “Warrlmoo,” Just to Hand. New Dry Goods Crockery, Hardware, Groceries, 1o Hand. -AwO-E3SrXS FOB Bailey Honolulu Made Wire Wcven Matresses ano Hammocks jv24 I . - ~ CITY DRAYAOKCO. SUnd: Quc«n and Fort 8treets, Wbite »nd Bl»ck S*nd. Dr»ying Dooe at Hea» •»» b!« Rutca.