Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 24 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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MACFARLANE k CO. Ikalen in Wme$ and Spirits KMhemaeo S'.reet, Honolahs. H. E. McINTYRE * BRO., Obocebt, Feed Stobe &. B\kekt, 1 Corner of Ring ao<1 Fort Sts., Honololn J. PHILIAP8. PRACTICAL PLUMEEH, GA8.FITTEB X)PPER-SMrTH, Hoose «nd Ship Job Work Promptly ExecuWd. No. 71 Kinp Street. Honolnl i Dr McLENN%N. Forl Slre«l, ?«b vo H t**l. Mutunl Teipphone 6*2. f<r 2*7 lor jy28 ED. C HOW E. Iiouse Sign and Oinamenial Painter. M«nnficliire <>f F. qu d 8!;«tu<g. G2() Kmg Street. «'>gl LEWI8 J. LEVEY. Ueal Estiite and neneml Auctioneer. ’oraer ,Fort «nd Quecn 8treet« Honulnln Porson tl Httenti >n p v.>n to Sale« of Fnrniture, Real E.st«te, Stock and Genen<l Meichandise. Untn*l T«*lechone 238 M. LOSE, Notarv Euhlie. Colledor and General Business Agent. Patentee of Lose’s Chkmioal Compuund for Clarifying Cane Juice. Sub-Agent for several of the Best FIRE ISSURASCE COS. Mutn«i lelephooe 8. P. O. Box 338. Mercb«m «treet. Honolnln. “FAT BOY." BAY SAL00N I P. MclN'ERHT, 1 ROFR!ETOR, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Corner BrrHU. *xo Hotkl Si». Honolulu Carriage Manufactory W. W WBIOHT, PR0r>*iET0R. (Sacc«**or to (i. Weel). CaRBUGE BITLDINU *mo KEPAIHINU. j v/ All Ordvr« rn>m (hv Otber I»Uod» in Uie CarrUgv Buiidiiu(. Trimuii<i|: »nd P»inting Llne «III Mwi «itb Pn>m|>t Aitvnti«h. Bi»vK»m!>bins in All It» Variou» Bram bv» Do»v P O. B«x 321. Noa, 128 and I») Fort Slnfvt, jj l« lj W.S.LUCE Wine and Sr>irit M©rchant C%mpbeU Fire-proof Block, VTBROHANTKT. HO\C>ī«rf.U. 0HPPIH6E eOMPAM’, S3> Botii T‘T.kpHoxb8 335 Haek Stand. Corner King and Maunakea 8ireetc. Hacks at All H<>»r«. jy27 Anchor-:-Saloon £x “A USTRAXilA,” Auother Iuvoice of the World Kenowued FREDERICKSBURG { UGER BEER • On draoght &nd by tbe keg. Alao, as a Specialty, j Small Fresh Caufornia 0YSTERS, FOU COCKTAILS majl Som