Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 24 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
TUTI BEIED1E8, wnt cr«iCMwi*«B.J C»Urrh.0-ir, « =d« «•». Fea»»Ce»pi >as*. »ad P1 *• 5 ae vft*K 9otb^^ H w •r* ik t S •tll nr* Tt»x' re rff»Ukl« Btw«M tc4 e»n V <Li*d Vt a» U.* dciinta »od tar roca ft»i Pt witfe!n IM re -rb cd *il. • r «M b» >1». C. 6dl«««T. t«| * ,m, i *•!' R<jck. i:,4« ,i.raccT , H-ooiali ADm:STRATISI*S x S37IC1. THE UNDERSI'iNED tartnx b«* dalj *ppoist«d Te*Bpor*rj Ad*i*i»tmar ef the Es‘»'e of Jo»eps Ht»so Pn.t, (kl l*te of P»co», Hoaoioln. 0»ua. dece**ed. Nouee b h«re:T Kieea to »U cr*dilor* o* 1 tbe (leeeeaMl to peēaenl tbeir elain» »he»ber »eeured br M >rt**«e, or otber»»e. dalr a«lbeadic*trd »nd »iUi tbe proper voefVrv tf »nr cxut to tbe nuienipnl vilbin »■! moDtVu frcm tbe d*re hcr«of or tbrr will be fon>re.- b«rrm. and »11 per»oo» indēbtcd to tbe s*id decv-*«<d »rr rwjar»t fo itt tEe immedi»te parrueot *t tbe U<Sce ■>! & K K*-sb. C»nJv.r of »nd Bc!hel S:reet», ! Up-»taii>. S K KANE. Ten»pcr*rr Adni!ni»tr»tor «f lbe E»i»tc ol Jo«ebb Hc*n» Pele. (»j dcee»»ed. Huuululu, AiUU.1 1*1. •"{! IM» j ADMIN1STRAT10N’S N0TiCE. j THE UNDKR8IGNKD h»rinr b<en dalr »pp»īnted of tlK*e»i»tc of H. K. K»*iace ;* 1. l»U- uf HauuU. K»h*i*. i»laud <>f Hnwaii. dece»»cd. Xu iee U herebr ic.rcn tu »11 creditor» o€ the deve»»ea t» p -ē*ent lfacir cl»im? wbether •eenml by M >rtir«ife ur othrrwt»e duly »uibendu-ated aud «iiu Ihe proper Toucber*. lf »ny e*Ut, to tbe uoder»i)CUed wilhiu »il mouUi» frum the d»te uereuf ur !be» will be fur«ver b*rred; »nd »11 par»uo* l»dtfbted to the »»id d v.-e»4ed *re revjue»t to a»»h« immediate p*yment »t thc OtBcc »f 8. K. Ka-ke. Coruer of Kinie vod Bctbel Stre«U. j U p»Uir*. MRS. NAOMI KAAIHUE, Admiiii»tnitri.r uf tbe £»t»te uf H. K. I K wiul e. d.-cc»»ed. Houululu. Auga» 14 I-s3t>. 3w. WANTED. Tliree briglit Hawaii • n G'r's i to s«l< tlie fiin*»n-i Vt.\VL KE- i MEDY. Apj» y ;it the o hro nf , tiio Viiivi l(euituly on K ng Street. { «iiigH F0R S\LE - RENT. 1 Piuun, 1 Orgm and S.>wing '1 e iine iiiwu r • <«f F. BI KGCSA Be* , >tinia >tr »-t CRITER10N SAll)0N, | Weiland-Extra-Pale Lager HeepI 2 Schooners for 25 Cts. j\ 14 L. H. DEE, Frop’r Woven Wire Mattresses N»w. f>r the first ti*ne ma>uifact>ired r giit h* rt* iu H •n , >luln. li. the >«iily uiiui «»its d- of the Un te I Kingd >». wi>o use? WI KE.wi ie w 1 11 ii t R ST; he h>vi gs e re*i exc!ii8ive r glits to u*e ihe aaiue. PATRONIZE HOME IN0U8TBY i* a h ick ev»>l phra-»e. B tif y>*u waut l > I* md >>|» n Nat>**il. ■nd n* in>8 iini>t be f stcred. Ke>-p youi >ii>>imviu y >iir own le.imla, and b iy tt* Non-Corro ive $3lid Comfai • Spring Bed. »n-id» in ‘lnn >lnl i, wh e i wi!l n I S.\G i»r R ST. or, A Perfectir>n Cot, Cbild*»Cr.b. Ver»nd»b Ch»lr. Lounge, Threc-Qu»rtcn» Sinjfle »iul Full »l*e. Fuldi»K " ire Beds. ARTICĪ.FS ->rt ble t<* y w cIi>o->te; I*R1CE*' s >itib*e l>« fh** liine?, a8 voj fi >d ttirin. F>r the Ilest BED in the >.farltet, I rec •mm<*>i<l t'*e I1ARTF'>RD J W EAVE SI*KlNG BLD. Tr.bU : Wifv >t!l thro‘ gh, \VOVEN fi *e as c'>*th. S *'id 4 iiieh. M |* e -frini. a. Maile«ble > C--*8ting8. W rrml*d »n *v rv je>rticnli*r. N**ver y«l fai!t-d lo giv*8aVisf >cti>«n. I «>ff«-r ih*-» 1 g v d9 U» the pnhlir w th e >iifi<l-*ic*-. h vi *g tn >d-* tl»eiii f.«r y-ar8. Y.»u c*u uow g t your v*-ry Largt3 KOA BED8. ūtird wkh a \\ IRE MATTB£SS. Aujr s iuade to >>rd«r. |V* B>iv f» BED nf th« Fi‘TUBK, > f M «sr|l T. II. U.nn & C» Lt’d.. iio|*i* AUn . \V ilianu* hpe., I. X. L. 6f>i»»y & Portcr r »r «>f ihe M itii*r \W0VEN WIRE BAILEY, l H »t*-l 3tr-et. Hnn *l»*H, ( e*t dourt» Hlom’e St**a.*i U >kcry.j aug 14-1.0