Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 24 August 1894 — Quiity Consciences. [ARTICLE]

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Quiity Consciences.

Soa>e prsctica« joker got bold | of a snbppena bl«ok resterdav j and filled it with tbe n«mes of a | namber of citizens—(rra*s-wid-owers and okLers— demanding tbeir presence «s vitnesses in the Frenchy case whieh wjis tn bave beeu tried th ia morning. There i was a general goasbing of teetb | and preparatioas were maJe for a precipit«ted fiīgbt to Sia or other j inaccessible poiota. Beforetheiri plans of disappearance were ex-1 ecuted it w«s learned tbat it was only n practic«l joke and a seven ; , tons sigh of relief coald be he.trd in every Street and Lane N'dhing like h clear C'>nscieiiCH, gentle men l The Anwu is dite here totl«y from Vanoonver with uews d :te« ‘ to tlie 17 iust. Il.miw i is pr'givs8ing as >• plnee where "all tl«e curafuits of j n bo ne’ iu:«y be iia«l. Mr. «ml Mrs A. Hoflunng will l>e |»assengers frora Syd«.ey on the W.irr>»no» lioau.I for tlie r . i b<>me in £ngl tn<l. Streel rninor is bnsy w tl« j “recognitiou” y«rns nt pre3ent , Commodore Simonāou is one of the ardent disseminaturs. Tbe ehampion is bound for Necknr islnml where soundings will be tnken hiuI the ntility of tlie loue rock be proj>erIy “S!Zed II ! «PTlie“fi«t boy” of tlie B »y H>>rse I is now disj»ensing c>»ld N «tioniil beer nud pmnps t out for 25cts. for two scli<*oners Tlie siioou will he cl<>sed on Sandi*vs i _ ‘. .—