Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 24 ʻAukake 1894 — FROM THE ORIENT. [ARTICLE]
|No Important War News. — OAioinl uo! ficjti*’n of a b»ttle betweeo tbe J.«}umeso «ikI Cui uese lau-l f<»rces iu C«irei *•*; r« ceiretl «t thr J;ip«neuw* Leg »ti«»n b« re t*imgiit fr. m Ihe F<»reīgu l>flic« »t Tuk<o. Tne Ud<grmu; st«te<l th«t ou tl»e 2Stb uf July h p<>rtiou uf thr Jsj»..ne«e tr*>oj»s: «t Seoai ui«rc!ieil ag .iust » maeli snj»eriur f<>rce <>f Cbines* !u*rch ed «t Sh«u Yeng. A b«ttle ea-1 sueil «nd aftcr benVy figiitii>g tl«e Cbit.ese were pnt e >mpletoly t*> r>iut un.l I»rg8 numbcr of pris u cr» ami moniliona of w.«r w»re c>)>tured bv tbe Jti|>xaese. On tlie moruiug <>f tbe 30 tbe Jupan ese j>ruccedetl to marcb ug«ius i GuSan. Thedispatch eonfinus tbe rep*>rt tbat tbe Cbiii<iso «ere victori«>ns over tbe J.ipatiese in tbe receut battle at Y isbun. Corea. Presideut Clevel«nd luta j»mc ! t’c«lly decided t» un.te w.tli Great Bntian. G -nnany au«l 11 >l\ tu preserve, forcibly, tbe nentral ity of wbat are kn«>wn as tlie treaty |>orts of Cliina dunug tiie ' war betweeu tb.it empird aud J«pan Tlie plan is for tlie governmenU: .ua'ned - Gre.it Bnti.«u. Gernmny. ltnly aiid tlie Uu>ted Stat.-s-t>’ se;Z.« ainl t*ccupy bj’ tbeir 11 »val fleeta tb« li:irb<>rs <<f Amoy. C«n-j tou, Ni'ig|K», Oliin Kiang, F-M«i Clioo, 8li«ughai, Haugkow and j Tieu-Tsiu, ti preveiit tbeir bl<>ck ade byJipiuese aud anv otber iuterf**teuce \vitb tbe:r f.»rcigu couuuerce mid to |>r>>tect tbe |iers<>ns and pn>porty of f*»reigu ers residmg iu tbose cities. It is tlte opiniou <>f di lonmts bere tb .t tbe Ja|>aiiese lmve niade I a giave err.<r iii siuk ng tbe trans {| oit K«»w Sbiing »nJ tn.«t >t is g « I ing to c>st tbem mneii m<>uey m reji.irat.on b.».iles tbe hum:li.i1 atiou of HQ HJH»l««gy. Rep< rts from Houg;ong s ( iou tliat tlure is iiineli anrest b >11■ in N*«rth audS«ntb Chim a>» i tiiattbeontl.s k f r foreigu m «- siun.tr es is b.««l. Tbe Hoi>gkong Telegrapb s-«ys tliat elioleia in its ej)i(leiu e if ' not its must virnlent f >rm h.s iij)j«eared ui C>utonanJ uu tbe ; Ui'iimi sitle. A< in lbe |Mst. tbe j outbreak «<ccnrred in tbe fii*bi> st jmrts «>f the s(oins. Tii«<re were; i ov«-r f«>rty «le>tlbs in u single «1 »y i j iii Cxiituu. and it is not believed ■ tl.<at tiie maiiiumn ims be n ! reacbed. Miuister Cbarles D-nby, who is in tbis conntry on leave of ub : sence bas been ordered b ek to ■ bis j>ost ut Pek>Dg. Onina, ou i cc«»uut of lbe warlike aita«tiou i betweeu Cbmu atid J.«j>an ov<_r j C«>rea. Hongk»tig, Angast 4. Li , Hnng Cb»Qg is still in commaud ; >>f tbe nruiy. Kigbt tboo«and Cbin3«e trooj>s j nre ou tbeir tu Corea. Tbe snrviv««r» of tbe trunap<>rt i K»w 8buiig li»ve been reiease«l by tbe Jajmnese goveruuieut nt tbe demmid of <»reat Britain. Hongkong. Angast 5. in the last battle at Y >>aii tbe J «jmnese ! were repals- d witb a losa of ovcr a hnu«1re.I men. Tbe Ja|mnesecrewof tbeBritisii • s>ainer C«J«a Klug was aeil-al by tbe eiiiueae. Tbe v<cer«v imS apu!ug t-d aud tbe crew baa beea rvle- «etl Au inve»tig->tion in reg«rd tu | the siukmg ol tiie Kow 8nnug «ill be hel.l m doe time. Japan 1 is «illicg to pay daap«g.-s j A i -r<uy of -tweoty tbonsand Cbiii»-ie are oiaicb-ng oo 8eoul, aud & baltie is especUvi ut any m<>uent. Tbe Japauese «re aeudiug re-inforceiueuU. Tbe Japaoeae «ore defe«te*l at * CbemuIpo. TLe Cbiiieae fljet baa retoroad ‘ to Cbe Foo.
l Ifonuk«»ng. Aagost 6 —Chioe#e resi<)rnts at Kobe. have beea attack<*d aml iuaitreate«l by a Japi anese m<*b. Shangbai, Angnst 7.— Rossi» {is re<««lv t«* lbrow aa anny of j over 200 000 uieo n»to Corea. at a slu»rt holiee. lbe Ras«ian ar<»«y is bmug coD»tautiy reiuf«*rce<1. ror)«edt*es are being laid in • the Peiln» river by the Cbine«e. Tbe J.«p’«nt*se flcet io Kurea, | nambers 13 war vt-ss«ls. The Cl-iuese c-«ptured a Japhq. se Vt>s3 »1. aad took ber into I lak'i. L»>ndon. Angnst 8 —Tbe Jap- | »nese ii >s e.«j«taivd Seikwao. The Cbi««ese lost over 500 men. Lugl <n«l aud Rassia b\»e 1 sl>4ii«loued in*Hliation between Cumn an«1 J.«p«n. YoKoli«ra«. August 9. —Jap-an>-se s«ibj cts b-»lougmg to tha arniv reseive ntid residiog outs«l» of Jai«aa, bave beeo ree «lle«1.