Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 24 ʻAukake 1894 — A CARD. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


To my friend« aiu! the puhlie. 1 hih « woiuhu who h«s becn sufforing wilh the Asthma for yoar8 aml havo tried ditfor®nt doctors but got no relief uutil I tried Dr. Akina and under his troat* ment. 1 am uow a well woman. If anv of you nro afflioted witb the dinoase enll and soe Dr. Aki—ua eorncr Hotel and Smith stroets. Mr» KiA.VU.V4 I'aia, Two liille Kuu o» one »tonny u»ght, to i]uen>pl, «n.I Ihen lo flght. One had • aK»n-*. «nl tl»e other had none This «** the way the qn«rci beg«n; EeeenU'eu (17) h*re ol eoap lor f 1.25. *N. Brehem UaW»l Tel .SU. «ng 22nd. We will all be there.v Whero ? Wby, at the Sohoutxen Olul* Haaquerade li-ill Moaday. Sej>teonber 3. Everjbody is going. Aro you f ' • gMF“ If Yot k Hubse > r D<o a »ick nend them at on*'e t > 30o King Str«et. The ouly eterinary Inliruiary iu the Kepuhlie fnlly oqaippeil witb nu*dero appliaroes aud ekilU'ull alteadauta. augl-lm J. J Wiiliame the well-koown Artistic Photogr»pher is making a apecialty of portr«its on Watch Dials aud 8itk Handkerchiefs. Complete seta of Lantern slide« lectures eau be bad at the gaUer>*. For lbey are sold al a reasonab!e figure by tbe doaen or by the huodr«d. * ■ • '-r? s '•. % . ■j, -■ * *