Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 24 August 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
H. B M S. Hyncinth nnived this morning fro:n Ksqumult. She left on the I2th < f Angust «nd h«s about the s«nn* sot of oftict*rs as wben last st«tioned bere. It is rej>orted th«t a s«laried employee of the Marsh«l s oflBce is engnged in the business, on his own accoant but under s«nction of the Attornev-Gener«rs Dep«rtiuent, of ped>llinp out badges l«belled “Citizeus R«serve” and ou whieh he is st«ted to nmke « twonty )>er cent profit off of tlie gulls wlio purch«se the unoAieial distinction. Mr. W O. Smitb aiigbt inqoire into tbe matter of s«le «nd profit.