Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 24 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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POUXD M A "TKK S NOTU’E. Xotice is dereby givta to ail p« rsous th.it there are at tht Oovernmeut Pounei at -Uakīki, t*o strayed hoisea. 1 reti m ire, »vhite spot on tue forehe wi, branii niueacnb«bla on the ieg, wuue nght hmti leg. 1 reti eoi», vvhite aiK>t on Ihe forehesd, white right hind Ieg. Any pewon or per-onajjwning these borse« are requeste<i to eoiue unu take the s.ime ( n or before 12 o’eloek noou, 8ATDRDaY, SEPT. I. 16«. JAMES Kl.KONA, Pouud Master. Makiki, Ang 21, 18M. aug. 2l-lw. THOM \S LlNDSAY. i Manufac{ure Jewi r it II’ cthmakrr, Mclneruy Block, Fort St. Uonolulo. au20 POUXD MASTEK’S XOTICE. Notice ia hereby given to all je .sons thal i there are al tbe Uovernment Pottnd at Makiki. sis »tr iye l honea. 1 red mare. !oug wh.ie spot on th • fore> heaei, brauded 2X on left htnd 3eg and or. nd iu ii>chb e on left fore-leg. 1 creaoi mare, k>ng whue spot ne tbe forehead, brand md.aenbt>b:e oo leg. | i red til!y. while spc>t oa the fore-b«a>l, beiog not br>nded. 1 aalmon eolioml hone. white spot on , the fore-he»d, t>randed A on right iuod leg, «hite Wft hind ieg, feet are sbo i 1 re-i hors*-, w iiiie spot on haek, braode<l 1 P Aon right hiud ieg. wbtte 1- ft bind leg. I gnpjde horse, pooriy condition. whiu spot ou the forehca«l, br*n ied J U oa nght i uio<l ieg, feet are wnile. AU pers»as owaing tbese hone* are re- | qneated to o me and tak« tne uoe on >r ■-T>re 12 o’eioek noon, SATl’ilDAY, SEPT. I. 1>«M JAMES KUKONA, Ponod Makiki. Atig. 3). 15iM. ang 20-lwdly EINO CP MCTCaL TELE SI2 NIEPER’S Baggage Expresa. Udke, Fort Hoonlai*. IL I. B ggjge and Fofu:ture C*reful!y Handl«d aod I>e*iver**d at Sh<>rt | lo Ail Partā <>f the C:ty. } Sund oo Cor. of F*>rt Jc Q ,- een Sw. li te» Tai Wo Wing Kee Co. 38 XUUiXC STREEt ' I Dea!ers ia Lad»e?’ & Ci6rits’ B <ot* aud Shov8 o>ade to ord«r. t' r O Ba»*r ' Jj9