Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 24 ʻAukake 1894 — The Fomentors of Trouble. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Fomentors of Trouble.

8 i . ' Bishop Aiphonse W. Wi!son of the Soothern Methodist Chiuch, s who speut iuany years in mission * work in Ohina and «lapan. says: . “There is nnieh reason for fear , for the safetv of the missionari63, i 1 bi th men and women. now st-»tion ed in China and Corea. The , oatives are always ready to visit e the respousibility of tronble on . foreigners, no matter how remote t they may be from the eauae of i- ihe troub!e.” Undoubtedly the s Bishop is right But what of it ' \ The missiooaries knew tbis peenliaritv in tbe Cbinese aud Corey aus before they started on tbeir iuissiouary campaign »nd they p know all about it stilL The question then arises: If they be a :n danger and do n*>t desire the ,t glorr of mavtvrdom why don t (, tbev eome home, especially as 1- j tbere is p!enty of good work for s thero to do here? Even if we v i tb;«t k a man bas a right il to take what chances he may .. choose to take witb Jiis own life, o' it is not eoneeded that he b«s a , right to do lfaiugs tbat may emi- ; broil other people «nd give ; trouble to «nd inflict lo«s on r society. ili*5ionaries have c«usp | ed more w«rs th*n «oldien erer | bave. —Botton Ke «».