Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 24 August 1894 — THE SAMOAN WAR! [ARTICLE]

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aad Geno2H Ves3»!s take a Hand—M&lietoa — I __ Vrctt)riou8(Froas tb« Ar»a 7Tnwj.} On Fr*d.»y !ast. the 10th. notice was sent to the rebels who be ! d I.nluinnn. that tbey were reqoired to di9perse j and go to the.r boraes; tbat on ■ t!»e f<>llowing morning. at 9 o’eloek, tbeir position woold be ; shelled. Tley wer« also w«rned | tbat if tbey again congregated witb «arlike intent. and erected fortific <tions that tbey wool.l be sbeiled witboot furlber warning. Thev were ev ; dently impressed witb the warning »»s tbe main l.odv elenml ont dnring tbe same eveni> g. le »ving a small partv to set firu t>> tbe hnts wilhin tiie j»«rts. Before leaving Latuanun and it' vicinity, the rel>el party <l*-stroyed all tlie brendfrnit trees whieh were growing at or near tbe dwellings of the royalists \vbo reside (wlien nt home) at tbat pluee. At dM\break«>n Sundav morning it w>s s«*en tbat the linle witb tbe fort bad heen fired. Pnnctii-*1 1 y st 9 o’eloek. the first i'liell was fired. mul f«*r forly mirinte« the Cit«coh aml Bussard pitcb«‘<l sbells iuto and aronni) llie «lesei ted j*ort. Tbe Cnracoa w >s firing frora abont 1100 \ ards ilistant. while tbe Br.ssard must bave heeu abont 3' 00 yards frorn tbe f->rt. S(>me fairly good -,bo< ting was d<me by botb ves--.**ls. Aft<*r having fired nbout fi(‘ty sbells. botb vussels l*’ew tbeir sirens, whieh was tbe prec<>ncerte«l signal for the <; vernment troops to adv.mce No time w.->s Iost by them ind ilmost immediately abnut six bmidre«l men \vere on tlie way. Some cmtiori was observe«l on ; ent« ring tbe outworks of the ' t >bol fortress. but it was soon ' ippart-nt that no oeenpanla reinameel. For sorae nnexplained reason. possession 8 >s not laken >>f tbe fort, and for all we know it *-till r"māīns nnoccopied. Tbe Government p «rty raoved on to c ward S;iln ifatH, aml onr sj>ecial , correspondent nia«le and inspecri«u of tbe famous str<»ngbold of Lutui»nun, whieh is certainly im pregnable to any ordinary force. It was seeu that bnt little danij age bnd heen done by the bom- : bar«lmeut; in fact it was general lv comj>nted tbat a half d;»y’s labor woukl rest re tbe fort, of oourse, \vitb ihe exception of tbe bonses burnt by the rebels. to its .ur ginal st.>te. After tbe vessels iuul comj>leted tbe bonibardment tbev proceeded towanl Salu!vfata, whieli plaee was the g<>al of tbe G"vermuent trooj*s. It bas sinc‘e tr<nspired tbat son.e advi<A was • <*iveu to tlie rebels wliieh cause«l Iheni to believe tbat tbere whs uot any iutention on tbe p»rt of tbe comni.»nders of tbe warsbips to fir«> with tbe purpose of in jnring tbem. und tbis per*icions advice canse«l tbem to take np a jH>sition near L’.einh and tbeve tbo Government troops eneonnieied tbera npon Snnd«y morning Some of tbe Kiug’s party were i !.bout to remove or destroy a b(»«t when tbey were fired npon. Two of tbeir number were killed, | one of whom w»s decapit»ted while tbe otber lost bis ear \ bont 7 o’eloek on Monday, the w.*rsbips **gtin shelle«l tbe rel»el jK«ition. U()on discon tinning firing. the Govern»oent tr«x>ps H«l\9ucrd aml to> k f*os.-»e9-aioo of u fort wbicb tbe rebels bad vacated. Tbey had scarcely d«*n« so before tbey were »ttack ed from auoti»er fort. when they lost tbree men, and had a num ber woundvd. Desoltorv firinp j t«x>k plaee thronghcnt Monday. H»id in the evening, the Cnrac< a seut s>>me more sbei!s amongst tbe rebe1s whieh were eflfective, resalting in killing «nd wonndiug a l»rge number. *At this sLge tbe rebels bad appareotly safficient, as they sent ahoanl tbe warshi|« suing for peaee. Tbeir chiefs were ordercd to c»me «>u board on Taesday, whieh tbev did. and roade a eomnlete submissioB to MalielOH. Tbey promi»ed to return to theii bo«nes, pay taxes aod giva up 2.00 rifba.