Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 24 ʻAukake 1894 — The Orie tal Question. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Orie tal Question.

Tlie obsevv«nt trnveieis. nho I li>ivmg ser*n eiiiun iiikI .Inp iu, iiv ii»v fm iiis!nt>g the iv«ir ! d w tu n«forumtion in regiml t«>the J Korenn quest ou «n<i the re!«tive ' i w <r streiigth of tl»e two ant<gon - §ts. nro sop|*lvii'g us with viewv tliat »re aomewliat confnsing. In i i f.ict tli**y miglit be cnlled dissol- i 1 i vmg vie\vs ni restt d in mind -proeess and displnying two widely d fferent pictnres blended in hnr»i»on ; ously t >gether. f We nre told th»t the Qovern* t , iuent of Jnpnu iseager f*<r war nt ? nny lmzzaid, bec»mse tliere is I , d<itiger of n rebellion mnong tlie z ,.eople. nnd h f«»r> ign wm is tlie I onlv meniin by \vhicb tlie Govs eiumenl canesc»|>eii civil w«r. We are nls<> tJd that the G<>v- ; ernment of Cliiria ia nverse to wur • because there is dnnger of n re B helliou ainoug the {>eopie, and if j s tl»e tr 0| 8 slionld be sent off to » l> f<<reign wai , the r«'bels woii <1 rise B | an<i t <ke the Capitnl. Thn« we : , hnve two pictnres «*f io»|>en«ling , i civil wnr nttnched to the centrai 1 wnr picti>re; nnd *>ne of these " oivil wars >ve are t«»ld will bre »k out if it isn’t st»*pped. riar«lly lesa c«>nfus!ng are the i* I pictures presented of the os*ensit ble e.iuae foi wnr. We are told - tliat Japan is the lihenl powei * r of the E ist nnd proposes t«> resoue • K«»r> a fu>m Cniuese domin »tion. j We are also tohl that tlie Koreaus f are butcliering the libt*ral re- \ form»rs nu»1 -re trying to rescne a (henia-lves from J.tpnnese dottiin e ! nlion. China it *eems is inW* ' I» fe»ing for the pnrpose of m*tin-j n t tining n sh»sd«»wy s>vervinl\ e owr the j<eninsuln, with n«> iu- . ? tenti«>u of reforming nnvthing i exeept the nilnntion. Meanlime. ' »11 lhn*e of the pnrtie« Chion. . J ipau nt.d K-re i. are nn«numns j in giviug i»ot;ce t>» the ootside | w» rld t!mt there » nothing to ' *rbitrate; while the out« d« w«»rld * is l»usy iu trying to get the Un>t«d States to turu in «nd nrbitr»te it r nn\ how. Il must be «dmittevl thnt «II tiiis is confnsing. nod the nvernge 'et4iffen who deelines * to discuss tl»e quest»on «nd expiesses a pvefen*i»ce t«» i»lk ab«>ut the wentbcr »>r street iuiprovemeut, is more l»kely to have a f level h«.«d than he who professeg to understand whioh is right ;»nd koow whieh will win.— San Joae