Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 195, 23 August 1894 — IF THEY ONLY WOULD. [ARTICLE]

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Tb« pohlie ee&tii»ect oo tte Hawaii&n q :e*tion u expre»ed by papers in the United States who were oppoeed to tbe Qoeeo were qaoted freely bj the Pl*nter» joarne!s bero riat: tho 'Ti*er aod tbe Star. Tbe following editorial opioion» h*re not beeo re-pobiisbed probablj beo»nse tbey did not soit tbe pUntiog interests Yet the njigratiou of tbe Asietics from Konoialo woald be a bleeetng to Baw«ii Fol- j Iowmg are the cpinions; Said a S.«cramento J*p yesterday: M(«4 of oar people bere wili go back to oar e« untry. to fight for it. tf the w*rgrows hotPray tbat it grow bot !• With eeen' Jap wbo g*5es room is made for a wbite mau. woman. boy or girl and the more wbite men. women. boj85.nd girls giren a ehaoee to work. the fewer deatitnte p« pie Californiaus will bare to take care of next winter We are s«.'irv to find that tbe resident Cbinese are not t«king as mueh interest in the Orientai troables as their dusky cousins are. The spirit of patriotism seems lo be de«d «mong the Cbinese. degenerate s<m»s of tbe reTolationa»y fathers of 1776 B. C ! i —Sacranunto Brc. Now tbat war betweeu China and Jap»an has heen declared we wou!d like to supgest that no tbing seems to be in tbe way of that departure of a Japanese brigade of 4000 men. e hope to see au l;onest and patriotic rivalry sprtog op between the i Cbiorse »nd Japanese iu Cali- i foruta, «9 to how many men eaeh ean send hom*' to join in the war. ! If tlie ean send 1000 meu to help out the Misado. j surelv tbe Chine»e ean send 20.000 braves to bear their drag j on fiag to victory. Every etfort ahould bc mada to arouse nation al pride among our Oriental resideuts — l)aily Repnrt. ) |