Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 195, 23 August 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Mr. Ookham D. Gilman takes exoeption to certain reflectii)us made on him in last uight's HoLOMUA. The gentleman’s inemory is evidently as weak as bis rerainiscenses. All tho kamaainas who lived in Lahaina wheu he was there )iave not yet crossed the great river. and thoir reminiseenses are very niueh at variaiice with Mr.G.D.Gilman’8 statement in regard to the Hqnor selling and his p«rtner. He doesu't say, by the way, hpw many years passed by before he found ont tbat his • partner’’ was tapping cognac —and smuggliug it. His uewspaper articles have beeu followed closely siuco the revo!ution in Hawaii, aud wo mast say that the royalists have been unable to fiud tbe Eastern p»pers in whieh i he was kind euongh to “defend' the Queen agaiust the vicious »ud indecent attack of Lueieu Yonng. We actuallv at one time gave Mr. Gilmau credit for wr»ting a seriesof \ery clever articles on tbe Hawaiian qnestiou in tbe , Santuchl Citizen While our misapprehensiou lasted his name. aml his memory was cherished by all roy«lisU from the Qaeen to tbe hombiest kaoaka. Articlee from bis i>en and over his signature iu oth«r papers iu whieh he simpiy followed in Ihe footstep of Stevens aud forgot all tbat be owes to tbts country. and her a/iis, dispelled the illoeion and all royalists realīzed tbe trne caliber of Mr. Gorham D. Gilman.