Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 195, 23 August 1894 — Creoles. [ARTICLE]

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There is no word whose meaning is more commooly misnnderKtōod. say« a writer. tban “creol«.” lt is not unusual for h Nortbern pt-reon to look on a oreol« as a person witb an info niun of aegro blood. The fact is the creole ia one of the b!uest b(ooded people on this continent. He is of mixed French and Npamsb pareutnge, beiug deHoeuded from the Freucb aud Spanisb, who first peopled lx>aiftiaoa. Many of tbem were < f nohle birth, aod all pussessed unnaual culture ami refiuemeni. —S y. Chronicle