Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 195, 23 August 1894 — STILL BOOMING. [ARTICLE]

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The ener(c.' of tbe Adverfiter in booicing the propose<l electric roed and the Canadi»n syndicate hw not *bated. bot ttie joarnal fiada it to dodge eonsiderably to »Toid being accased of bidden pnrposeft and laek of disiDUr«Hte<]Do«.s It no* st«tes that it woa!d prefer to see the francbise gr»ut*-d to the loeal s\ndic«te but at tbe aame time >t sUte« that it is impossible to fqaeeze any money oat of oor loeal capitaiis f s so it will be neceHsary to fall b«ck on the B:tiUntvoe fiyodicate of whieh Mr. Jim C«htle is a roerober. It is a pieasare to see the Adcerfiner opeoi? admit tbat ail patriota who posses» “all” the weaitb in tbe couutry ore nnwil!ing to furtb«r enterprise* whieh we aie told are in the interest of the coaotrv and for tbe »ake of pnhiie improvementfi. But wby then did our esteemed morning eontemporarv saii into the Hawaiiaua in tLe perhaps-to-be legislatore and accnse them of laeking interest in pablic workfi. Tbev are no wor»e tbeu than the class from whieh the Adreritner pre8nmably wiil prck tbe per-hape-io be senators. The prop sed 8yndicatc promoted by Tburston and otbers is put down by tbe A'ivrrfi>er afi a frand. It ia not believed tlint it hss any cftpitai or ean raise sofiicient to undertake tbe worlf We don’t doubt fnr a mnmenl that the Advertiser is oOrrecL but we are burprised tb»t tiie virtuous sbeet never ruised its objections «nd doubts against any of tbe olber euterprises whieh have been pro moted by Tburston and for whieh be neitber had capital or backing but siuiply cold murble eheek. Perhap* in tbose instances, thongh, there were no opposing syndicute with a Castle in tbe field. The qii»stion now Is; does the Adteiii*er know tbat tbis Mr. Ballantyne has the necessary capital 7 We don't mean On paper but iu «bsolnte liard cash. Is tbe p«per sure that the Canadian syndicate is reudy to begin work suy williin three montbs after the granting of the fran ehiae. and in a position to bring the enterprise to a fiuish ? lt seems to us that Ciiuadian capit alists roost be constructed in a prcu1iar inauner if tiiey re«lly aro re«dy to iuv«st their money in nn undeitaking from whieh our loeal capitalists stand aloof. lt is to be presumed that the capitalists of Honolulu know a Jittle roore about the future pros pects of au electric road than does Mr. Ball»ntyne nnd his assooiates in Can»da. The Hpooluiu men according to tbe A<ner(iser w ill sbake lheir heads leek their safes aud say “not mueh. yon don’t catch us in tbat game.” And eucouraged by aueh a s}>ectacle it is expected tbat tbe Canadian investors immediately will roll out tbeir eoin and 8ow it in a field of nuknown qualitv yes of uuknowa locality. They do so. There is oo accoonting for taste aml theCaoadians are a poculiar lot; but we pn>pose to coutinue in our sceptic s<‘Dtiments until we see the color of the Canadiao eoiu and bear Mr. Ballantyne s pickaxe« oo tbe Waikiki n>ad. \