Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 195, 23 August 1894 — HAWAII'S “BLUE” LAWS [ARTICLE]

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I ' . C0NSTITl'TI0.\ aml I,AWS Frame<l bv the Missiouaries. ( LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. ■ - “■ i CHAPTER XXX A STATUTE KESPECTING FORGERY From ancient timos down to the present ail men have well understoo<l that forgerv is a great crirae. Then it wan death, but at present the law is not so severe as it waa then. lt raast however, be prohibited, and so great a crirae must be punished. hēii’l'He, in a eonneii of the Noblo*and Ropreseutative Body, all the rei)uisitions of this law were approved. 1. lf one iudiyidual deceptively subscribe the name of anotber to any writing for any purposo of gaining posses—sion of bis proparty, or obtaiuing something valnable, he shall be pnnished in the sarae raanner as a thief. Whether he actnally gained possession of tho propertr or not makea uo diflerence. If however, he did not gain posseasion, he sliall raerely pay qnadrnple, but if he gaineil possession, he ahall then pay ipmlmple, aud in addition shall restore the piineipal. If tho forgery were for a large araount of W baniahed. The pnaishment shall b« preosely as iu the easo of theft. a. lf anyone doceitfully subsoribe tho name of another to any writing, whieh does not endanger property, ho ahall then be punished according to the natnre of the offenso. If anyone suffer in any way from the writing, then the eiiminal person shall pay according to the amount of suffering, whieh is to be submitted to the discretion of the judges, they examining into the nature and magnitade of the oftense. 3. If a mau comrait tbe like oilenae agaiu. aftor baviug been ouee puuishe<l. he shall then be banisbed to another country, at ibe Jiscretion of tho jndges. tbov considering the magmtude of the offeose. If this luw be pro«laim6d in auy village, or in any diatrict, tbe day of its proclamation shall bo the day of its taking effect at that plaee but evon if it be not proclaimed, it sball nevertheles8 take effect at all plaea» on tbese Hawaiiau Islands. on the first day of tsepteraber, of tbe cnrrent year. lo ull tbis the Nobles have given tbeir approbation, aml also the Kepresentative Body, we have »herefore hereunto set our names on tbis nineteenth day of May. in year of our Lord one tbousand eight bundred and forty-on« at Lnhaina. Mani («igned.) KAMEHAMEHA III. KEKAULUOHI CHAPTER XXXI. LAW RESPECTING THE COUNTERFEITING OP m MONEY In the managemcnt of trade men must necesoarily make use of money. It is m ihat estimates are ro»de. it is alao the basis referre<i to, and is the article in whioh debts may always be cancelled. Wherefore. if any man adultera(e tbe money so that it becomes of nncertain valne, the eommunity snffers. trade īs erobarrassed. tbe propertv of individoals is not safe; wherefore. in a eouneil of Nohlea and Represeatatives, the following law was ena«ted: 1. lf anyone counterfeite s euin for tbe pnrpose of trading fraudoIenliy. oi f if anyone take coonterfeit eoin made by another, for the porpose of tradiug it away, as one trades away good money, lbat man sball be brougbt to trial, anJ on conviciion tbereof, shall be banished to auother land, there to remain for the term of five ycars. 2, If anyone be aceessory to tbe raaking of false eoin, or knows of one’a m»sing it without giving noiiee tbereof to tbe governmenk or, if aoy one endeavor to increase h» property by tradiog in false eoin, or iu money whieh he koows is not good, be is guihy of tbe eame eiime aa tbe one spoken of in the firat section Whoever does it ahail be brongbt lo lrial, and on couviction thereof ahail be oanisbed to aoother coantry, there to retnain for the tenn of five years. tTo Be ConHnu4d., *