Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 195, 23 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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1 !■ Ō0NSAIVE5 ;( A3nn S««p* oa Eaad * Safp«» of tk Vtry Best ter Soap la C*m oi M.. «.»,•» aad 70 B*r» wk THIs SOAP 15 THE Fisest Isported Here. 5PECIAJ- P»ICES EOK 5 CASE5 IN LOT9. J.\a A1NSLEY £ C0MPS i Celebrated Brands of SC0TCH WltlSKEY Samfl* ■ BEN ALD0CHLAN, Alnsley's 0LD Blended >GIenlivet; GLE ,M0N Extra, Spt-cial, 6LENLI0N SPECIAL L1QLEIR j SC0TCH \VHISKEY.| JtS3 F. GERTZ, f«i B00T AND 8H0EMAKEK I Kepa:rin? Neatly Done. Oppo»it«! tl»e Club Subks, Furt strcet, »nd ’ wlll be glad to see his old friend« tav7 tf WA X T F 13 ! CURNlTURE. DISHE5, GLASSWaRE. T Clock«, W»tches. Je»elry, 01d Gold »nd Silver, »nd everything houi'hl »nd *oW at 1H Klng Street. coruer Jr Alake». jyJ7 P. O. Box2W 403 Nuuanu 8t. S. YASUM0RI. MERCHANT TAIL0K. Dealer in Jap:tnese Goo(ls, Boots and Shoes of J:»panese niake. Cheap for Cash, New Goods by Every Steamer. jy 23 LEE SL NG KEE, I 49 KINO STIIEET. TINSMITH. am> DEALER IN GLASSware, Crockery, Coal-Oil Stoves, Water Pote—Plumbing iu All Its Brnuches Faithfnlly Esecated, jylS-ly Y. LUM SING, Dealer in Froits and Grt/Cfries. Fresb E'nula by Every California Steamer, Eresh Island Butter from Hawaii. 13ō Fort Street. Coffee Ro isted. P 0. Box 169 Fresb lsland Prodnce, Goods Delivered to Auy Part of tbe City, jy21 ¥IEX KEE, TINSM1TH asd DE \LER IN tl\\vare. Piping Laid and Repaind. AH Orders PromptIy Attended to. Charges Very Mr>dfrate. Cnll and See Ue. No, 222 Maunakea St.. Monolulu. jy20 loa lTOIIA .V ? 1 IMPOR FER a.vh DEALER IN GFNERAI. 1 I Uerch«sdiae, Excla*ivelv of J«p«neae iUuut.ctnro-WUOLES.ALE * EETAIL ‘ 304 and 306 Fort Strect. P. 0. Boi 116 Matn»I TeU. Ō92 jj 18 - Xew Japau \Iarket.’’ 367 Mnnnnkea Street. Fresh Meat ou Ice 4 Poand 25Cts. Scocki. Manager. augl CHIN KEE. , * H0RSESH0EING SHOP. Maunakea * Pauahi Street. S«* mi »11 io»#d Old «et all roa*d N«xt Door to Ko- 5 E#|ia* •Ufli 1 30» l 00 U