Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 195, 23 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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OAINIPPON llotei Stret [A.rimgton Btock] l'he »b;.»e *.Mor* L*» reoe;»ed tootke? lsratoe ol jIapakese 3*lk I* ANCY GoCDS, Per S.S, “China. — oo»ru9Ci«— BE vUTIFL’L SILK AND CKAPE. Dmn» Oooda ia ail «hade, plain aad fignr«d. e'nnhion*. Tabie Cotct», Bed Coren, Oovaa, Hhawl*. Silk ('Fā|R* Kaiohow Silks, AU Oolon l anrr Dr»pehM, CMBSOIDERED HABDKERCH1EFS U •'•’ ba»h«fc, J*ckrt«, C*{W, Etc., Etc N()VELTIES: I he Pric«#of tk««e Goods wili a*tont*b ron indnding tLEGANT S)LK KIM0N0SI liandaonte Cig*rett« Ca*es, Pin Cnshion«, Hilk Tea G«tuea. IKOK AM» !SX1LL J1PJ5ESE Rl«S Mlk Uuibrellea. light bnt strong; '.*hair Had<Uea, 8ilk; lianihoo Blinda, 6tted with puUejs; 8Uk Lamp Shadee, new style. J.*|-A.VE»E »CREEXS. From *3 Cp. LAK(tE JlFiSESE L1BKELL1S f Oan be Set wilh Pole In thc gronnd, moe (or Pienie» or Lunohee ont ol (ioors, tliey iTin be opened ont or nsed a» » tent. COTTON CRAPKS IN GREAT VARIETY l (/*lnspeotJon KeepectlnUy lnvited. Mks. J.P.P. Calsaco. Arn|>rictre9s. Aprl2-3m» JUST ARRIVED. q 3 55 B1BY • CARRIAGES OF ALL STYLES, Ui THE LATEST PATTERN8. “HOUSEHOLD nEWING machines Hasd Sewiso M\chi-\ss, 9 fAU Wiih the Lateat lniproT*njenWhJJ 1 PAKLOK i'trans, Guitarei! Aad Other Mnneal liu&uuue** Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWAY8 os hasd. asd FOB 8AL£ BY D. HOFFSCHUEGER k Cft King 8».. oppo. Caatle k CookeV FOR SALE. OueM rqoee Tent. new, 8i*e lox32 feet, 6 feet Wall; 13 feet Uoof 8 oz. Duck; Polee, Pins, Uiug lUfter, ete. Inquir® at the HOLOMUA 0FF1CE.