Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 195, 23 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
PL'BIFIED WAĪEE. IMo Miorob©8. E* L’5KD BT THE COS*>UpA OKO SODA WATER WORKS COMP ANT — Tlae3r tii© T , o*CLri.t3Lirxs Tlxxo'a.g*lic\xt tlxe Cit3r, FJCCSPn>« ONE ZP"axe sls Cx3rstaJ^ & T2E"5T IX. « *Ug' HOLLlSTER & CO. 1 Importers. Waol©3!ile and Ret<il Dealera in CigraxsJ SaaaL0lri2a.gr Toioaooo, Sxno3stexs -Axtioles. Agents for the Celebrated Cx. B. D. PIPDS, MAPE IN PARIS *Ulf' Benson, Smitli & Co., The Corner DRUG ST0RE Pure Drugs, Pine Perfumes, Prompt A.ttention, Low Prices Comer Fort «fc Hotel StA aul r 1&. S. LEVT, Will on AUGUST lst Remove from his pre3ent st'*re on Hot«l str»et, to the plaee formerly occinied by Benson, Smith 4 Co., on Fort street. Afler ī get settled it will be to ynur advantago to note the pricce, etA. th&rwill appear m thi§ eolumn.
290 Ring Up 290 United Carriage Company, M. REIS i J.C. QUINN Capt. Wm. Davles, Stevedore and "W* recker. ESTIMATES AND CON*TRACTS OS ALL KISD8 0P WQRK. 8lfamer Waimanaio w »11 run ngular Wai.«uae, Waialua ano Way Landing lnqnire at ofice ot J. 8. W'alkee >re Sprwskel’9 B*tk. T§b Wo i*ld Do W[OVE A.\P 90 POE9 īlie - fd2ssengej - £eiYice who bave mouuted tbeir Mrt"9enger8 on Oolnmhia - Bioycle* They will d«)iver Pack«ges (cp f> 50 loa. we<ght> and Mcuage« qmck«r ;ban by any otber meihod ■od che*per too. u Don’t be a eiaoo.” 3ave linoe aod ooooey by ueing the Me«eenger Service. > L. M. JOHSSON. IUo«r»r Mutaal 599 T*t: B«l! 559 Saft -
MACHINE MADE POI! FACTORY. : : KAUHl. Taro Plant«, Fre«h Top« »nd Raw Taro st ali times. Ring Up Mulnal Teiephone 577. Bell 345 W. L. WILCOX, jy25 Manager. yQBHWBl J|«CK l'OKNLK O» Nuuanu and Beretani&Streeta. '561 TKLEPuo?tEe:-> 561 GOOD, REUABLE *>d jy27 tf C1VIL DRIVER8. Gust. A. Mauer, HAWAIIAN HOTEL BARBER Shampoomg a apeeialty. Honolulu. aug4. ;Chas. T. (Miek I notary public For the leUml of Oaha. Ageot to Tate Acknowiedgmenta to Labor ContracU. j Agont to Grant Marriage Lieen l ; aes. Honolaln. Oaha. Agent (or tbe Haw'n laianUa of Pitt A Scott j h Freight and Parcela ExpreM. | Apeni, for tbe Borliogton Hoot« M Eslale Brier ai9essrai Beli Tei. 348; Mot. Tel. 13» ; P O. Box 415. OFFlC£: No. 38 MEBCH.4NT 9treet Hewolaln H !,