Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 195, 23 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
TUT1 K£IED1E8. t VIU cr«B Cofr«Bp»'«s. r»t«n*.oan». »īi asii«**». r»c»jc»* pt IM, *ad Hr»h li< *ws tarmi Hom »r» <at<tbiHd ii «Ul e«r» t* wr1 Tb** i* Tf(ttaW« nd -•-» N* ««] t) :tsr tn*l <trnratc aad !«• IM&r3i i rWM P» ce« «ithra ih* rr HS ol «.3. Wd >’ *f». , i f. O, S JUn »), IM Kl«« ar»«, *it ! S!o*X, ; <kr.t.r«Mv i/x- . g>mln!a A3limS7SAT105*8 >: HCTIC* THE UNDERSl‘;NED be»» <lcSy •ppo;ated T<*wnn Atelsutn!or of tbe «rf JaMrr« Hn» Pxt«. k) UJe of Pmo*. Hoaoii-a. O»bo. «ieeeaMU. Notice » he«5e pra to »11 cpeditor» .>f tbr tkrct-d to Mwni ttwr eiuai» whe*. cr -<vared by H tzvie. or oSher«i*e. drly aotheadKMtc<i *»S «ltfc lfce prover » if iuf to Uk- aader-!ifu-d «Uhīn ft* raoolfcf fptta tbe d»!t Iwwi or tfc?j »ili rf f»rer t: borrml. »a*i »i> per»oo» mi-,ctcd tc tbe «M dee«#ed m Mj*o; to aile ubmedi»>c p»yi»eot »t lhr OiSce >»t S. K, Ka-sb, Cvrāer of Kiag »rx' Betbel dtree**, C p-*tftir». S. K KANE. Te»p?rart AdtU!ni*tr»tor of tfce E*tate Jo«ebh He»oo Pele. dt>t e«»ed. Hooololo. Augtut VJM ang 16-3« AOMINISTRATION‘S N0TICE. IHE UNDERSIl»NED UTing been drti;> i appointed AdminUtr*irit of ihe e««»te of H j K. KtftIHt s 'k . iai> of Hal»uU, Ko'uaia. j ■ Uiaod of Ha«a-L decea*ed. Noliee U bereby (i»m to »11 creditor» o( the decea*ec tu p'ewnl lht ir * !»ini» wbetber aeenred by M>»rtit»jfe or otbcr«l*e doly ■ autbendk-»ied and «iīh Ihe proper Toacber», lf aoy ezUt, to tbe under»igt>ed vitbio «ix ■ mouthd from Ihe date hereof or they wiU be forever b»rred, and all per»oai hidcbted to the »»id deee»eed »re miuest to m»ke Im medi»te p»ymvnt at the UtBce of S, K Ka-he. Corner of Kiog »od Kelhel StreeU UpaUin. MRS. NAOMI KAAIHUE, Admlni»tr»trix of ihe Est»t« of H K KaaIhie. dece»sed. Honolaiu, Augus 14 I>y3. 3«. WAXTED. Three bright Hawniinn Gir1s i to «ell the fxmous VlAVl RE- ! 1 MEDY. Apply at the ortice of ; the Vinvi Kemedvon Kiog Street. i I a«g6 F0R SiLE - RENT. 1 Pi«nr>, 1 Org;in and Sewing Maehine intiuire »>f N. P. BI Ri.ENS Beretania Strept. CRITER)0N 3ALŪ0N, Weiland-Extra-Pale LāyEI BEEr 2 Schooners for 25 Cts. jyl4 L. H. DEE, Prop-r -■ r " i lo\/eJoy &co. i I Wfjūlega!e Wii]eX> ūealei^ 19 Nuuanu Street ! We wouM eall y»iur attention to Our SfM?cial Brands ! Longlife & Pure Cream | RYE WHfSKEY. Frederick$burg Beer au2 in c»sti8 nr bottl**s T. E. Murray ■ | Ih Yet to i»e Found «n the Oi«l Mtand. So, II I I King Mt.—IIIm Rusine»fc us | CARRIAGE — AND Goes On. I i When tbe “PEOPLES‘ P ARTY gets smasbe<i he i ! 1 will be readv to | REPAIR. PAIK! AND !R1K 17 ‘At * Be >sonabIe F gure.— No | Extra Cbarge fcr Farnishingi s i them «ith C »mmon Seoae. LET T3EM RINQ TP MUTUAL TELEPHO.'E i 572. •