Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 195, 23 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Hire jnar mfe'« aod joar b*bv’s pi«ton pbntogranii«d on tb« di tf %A joar er«tcb do«a il and goar«nte«s tbat joa will re'ne.ob»:T tbe bomea ot the hnose eT«ryiinje yon look at tbe wttch. A *ure remcdj agaioat furK»-tting to mail tfae wife'» lettm Tbe .-baoiioos TĪnea still hanp over the feoce .>f the BUhnp residence. occopied br Coaneil«»r Allen. on Emm« *treet. Tfae cnntinaunc9 look- !lke a pfa>t »t either C>»pt Kioge e\esigbt, or Mr Dole’s cooutenance. Even the geutler sex av-»id tfae local>ty ■>n rtcc->nnt of d*nger to thetr beād gc«r Sofia. Jnlv 29.—A fire hās destrove<! 2000 honse» atC'»ttel!. a tovn iu buig-ria Eull details of t!ie disaater bave not been received. It is believed that many persons j>eri8bed. The town peop!e are camping oot in tbe fields To Let or Lease, A HOU5E on Kine stpe**t. nrxt to T. R. W»lker t pmni»H. cbat*imng p»rlor. dinning room. »nd three bedrooms, beside* kiiehen, bathroom. stabies «nd »11 modern coDTenienoe*. l»tely oo- apied by Mr Oeoieon. Arte*i»n w«ter l»īd; rent m<jderaUr to rwp»niiblc p»rts. Addrrs« ABRA >AM FERXANDEE •Ok 23-Im F0B SALE. A FINE “ MIDMQHT ■’ STALLION colt belonging to P. D. Isenb«rg. The colt ou be s en at the PASTHE0S ST.\BLE frviu to-morrow. tf. The Whlte House! 118 Nuuanu Avenue, HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS \ Fip$t-cta# fyjoming [loa^e I \ KVERY RKSPtCT, lm from $1-50 to $3.00 per Weel ar 50c. per Day. PAULLEM’KE. PROPRIATOR. Betl Tel phone 132- aug 22 Cl IY C&RRUGE C0. C»rner K1NG and BETHEL St. at all hours. vith Teiephones No, 113. J. -S. ANDRADE. Manager. j'iV>e lS-tf Pioneer Shirt Factory ESTABLISUED 1S97. A. M MELLIS, Proprietor, 5K Fort St., (Up8t*irs' Hon''lnlo. Good FiL J. H. TRUSCHLER, I ?oot & Shoemaker. lll Fort Street. Repair'ng, neatly Done. oalf »ole and heel witb pegs, $1 UO. dalf sole ttod heel sewiug $1 50. au7 N0T1CE TO yisitcrs. Pieaie Partias. Lnafls —AXD—GEN ERAL PUBLIC ! At SMirH’s Brs and Livkry Stabi,k. Kisg Stb et. [Adjoin5ng Metr. poliuu M»t MUrkrt.j | I* tce Cceipest PUee in Town jon c«0 8«* j W«gcnetie)>. Bnggi« snd tUddle ; H»nes. It will }»t y o U> c*U *ad *ec | be/one yon try el*ewhere. Mutn .1 Telepfaooe 408 *ng 1 -tf Removal! Hustace & Co, i H.WE MOVED TO Morgjn’» - Auction - Room» tor* *hnrt riae We »re*nii *eiUng Departure Bay COAL |CilARC *AL, Al.GEROBV »nd K:NDLING WOOD » aay 4o*auty. ' Kol* TiI*pto— AU Mfl