Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 195, 23 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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— I Woven Wire Mattresses N-'W. f *r ti.e first t''ne t>ircd r g;>t h.-r*- iii H >ii>»lulu. Bv ihe • >nly niaii o*it8 d** of the Uii'Ihu Kiued • . wi>o uap? U IKE. wh c •vi 11 u«.i R ST; he h vi gs c rc xc u»ive r ghts lo u-<e ih • »• ut*. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY i» a h *ck .eye>t |»hra«e. B>it >f y>n ! w > ut t<> b iiui np a Nat<<ui. 'ud lr iru s imi,-t bc f ster**il. Kee;» you» ii <11 v iii y >ur owii :s mds, m<d buy a Non-Corro ive Soiid Comfoi Spring B«d. n >de in t>>n »l'il'i, wh Ci wiil n 1 S.\G >»r R 5jT. ur. I A Perfection Cot, Chlld‘i< Cr b, Wr*nd»h Ch»ir. Lounge. Threc-Qu»rter« Sinxle >nd Full si*e. Folding Wire Beds. ART1CI.PS w» : t ble to y >oi I elimnle; i‘RlCE’ { 9>itible t>> th iiinei*, a« you fi >d ihem. F i | ihe Hest BED in the . Market, l rec <mwid the HARTF()R1) ' W KAVE SPRING BED. Tr*bl. Wire t»11 thn« gh, \VOVEN as fiue as oh»th. S»li>l 4 ii.eh. M |i'e frmi»s, Malle<«b>«C.»sliug9. \V >rruit«d iu »*v. rv t«<rl'cul >r. N>-vrr JTfl failcd l » giv» ! s.1 »>f cti u. I ff r th* 8-* g • ds tn the Dublu >v tti e •• fi i ‘iw». h ving .»iHd- tb**n> I r »• Y >i* e >ii uuw g-t y.iur j v. ry Lar«e KOA BKDS. fit'.d Wiih a WTRE MATTRES--Auv s i‘ iuade to*>rder. I ” I {ĒP' B»V the HED nf thr F Tl’RK, • f M esrs. T. H. DiVl*-»> | e • LlM.. H-»j»u »t Oo„ \Vi!li.n«s hM>„ I. X. L. Onlw*y Purt*>r. >>r >»f Um? M <ker WŪVEN WIRĒ BAILEY. H>»i*l lu, ( -ext dunrt» :oru’s St-*>n B >kery.j a> g 14-lm FO R 8ALK. (>uo Mrq iee Tent. new; Siza iii\32 (eot; 0 feei Wall; 13 Iwi f\«N«t 8 "X. Dnck; Po<es. P ns, li.Mg U ftor. ctc Iuquiru at tbe HOLOMLA OFFlC&.