Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 195, 23 August 1894 — Another Scare. [ARTICLE]

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Another Scare.

L«st nigl>t tlie l)«Hoh from Honoluln to W.iikiki was p»«t rolled by monnted polioe-men «nd »*pios Tbe cxnse of the excitement w.ib oasily learned Tho groat niarsliHl hiul instruct»*d the ; men to w«tcb the raovements <>f tbe Cbampion l.ving outside and preveut sny l«iiido»g of nien or ani»s. It is really diffion!t to believe that the Hutl»ont»es innke soch inlemwl Hs»t*s «>f thei»»eelves. If the CliMinpion «iesir*-d to l«nd tronp« or Hnns. why shouhf it oot be done nght oo the Brewer whsrf? Wh«> is there. to prevent it ? We ohi» hi«»dlv h*» lieve tbst therepnb ic «n ntt«»rney genernl is »diotic enonph to think tIiht 4ie nml hia hired aoldiers could resist to tn»oi s j xnsrching under the English flng It would be h c»rcusthen ii»deed. and the KhIhIhii her«)«*s who eooUlu't ca‘ch h IimH «lend an. n «mman nnd h cbild w«»uld l»Hve ample opportunity to prove their melal and their sti ategic kn«»w- j ledge. Tbe Ohampion is in pmt pow. and it is to be l»*»ped that the dutch brign«le will be n lowe«l to aleep in f*eace in the «>d«»rous cells at the poliee stntiou iiist**Hd of being f«*rced t>» swalb»w fresh ! air at Waikiki. And tonght D«>body will disturb W. O 's rI***>p or Kihikihi Ke!e.-»we’s * br«ssv” j pmyers. No mork H«»p Deer ’ N B»ehsm aells n«*w h n*-w de!»oi*»ns i drink cnlled the M<trnimj Star. * We will mI) be there. Where ? Why, at tbe Sch«n‘* n Cloh j Mxaq ierad-« B»11 Mon«hiv. September 3. 1394 Evt*rvbo«lv is * gomg. Ar** y«»u ? • Ir Yo k Hobsk h no | s 8ick H«*n«l theiu at on->e t 205 Kmg The «>nly Veter inary l»>firra«r\' in tbe Repnb!ic fully >qaipp**.l with imnleni »p j pliNi eee au«l S'illfu'*l stte:nlants * augl l»u J. J. Williama tbe well-known Artist»c Pht.t>>grHpher īs m«king a specialty «*f jMirtrH»ts «»n Wntch Di-ls snd Silk H*mlk*-rvhiefs. Oompleie sets of Lanlem slid**> lectures ean be hnd nt ibe gallery. For lhey are aold at m ro «Himahle figure by the dozen or by tbe boodred. *