Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 195, 23 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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i POUM) MASTEKS NOTK'K Sotiee is tw?ret>r gi»en to all persoLS tluit there are ut the (jovernn)eut Ponnd at Makiki, t*o str»yed horses. 1 red mitre, white | spot uii the lorehe»d, brand indescrihablj on the !eg, white nght hind Ug. I red eolt, white spot on tho forehetd, white nght hind leg. Any |>erson or per»ons owning these horse» are reqnested to eome *ud Uke the same on or b«-fore 12 o’eloek noon, SATURDAY, SEPT. 1, lS»t. JAMES KUKOKA. Pouud Master. Makiki, Aug. 21, 1SW. aug 21-lw. I TUOM AS LlNDSAY. }īanufacture Jev.ier A M',cthmaier. Mclnemy Block. 40.Ī Fort St. Honolulu. an2U POUND MASTER’S XOTICE. Noliee is hereby given to all persons tha: there are at tbe (tuvemmeut Pound at Makiki. s:x strayed horses. 1 red in.vre, long white §pot oo tbe fore- : bead, branded 2X on left bmd ieg and i brand indiscrib!e on left fore-leg. i cream mare, long whUe spot on the furebead, brand :ndiscnbable oo leg. I 1 red liliy, wbite §pot on tb« fore-he.ul, , betng not brtnded. 1 salmon-coilored horse. white sput on | tbe fore-bead, branded A un nghl hir.d leg, I white left hind leg, feet are «hod. 1 red horse, wuitc spot on back. b»nded P A on right hind teg. white l»ft bind ieg. 1 grippie horse, poorly condition, while I spot ou the forehea.i, branded J U on rigbt 1 { btnd leg, feet are white. AU penou» owmog these honen are reqaested to eome aud take tbe mim on or bek>re 12 o'eloek noon. SATL*RDAV, ! SEPT. I. 1SW. JAME£ KUKONA. Ponnd M«ater. Makiki, Aug. 20. la<M aag 30-I«dly RING l’P MUTUAL TELE. U2. NiEPER'S Baggage Express. UlBcc. 229 Fort 8t,, HoooUIo. H I. ! Bsggugv and Fur»»;t.ire Cdrefully : Haiidied »ad Delivered at Short | : Not:oe to All P«rta of th« C:ty. : Staud on C>r. <»f F»rt A Qceen Su. ir» Tai Wo Wlng Kee Co. 36 SUUA3rc 8TK£ET Oe-iilen in Ladies’ 4 GenU' B *ots aud Sfauea made to order. P u Bos 207