Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 195, 23 August 1894 — LADIES' COLUMN. [ARTICLE]
Wb«a the trade fiods ttm« tO doobt oor A9Mriīooe »boat s».!es I «od pricea, bot on« conclosioo eao be formed. *ml tb«t i» tb*t «e en #ett»ng lb« p»ce on pnee». *h «rell »» doing th« b«»i0«s«Tb«re is »n old pro«erb tbst I *■ wb*t is on« )ti»n's lo» is slw*ya anotber man*s »g*in." We «re g«>ing on record *nd ch*rg« it to wh*t is yonr g*in, by tr.«diog with os. »nd ooth by incre»sed busioesai—is tbe otber m!»n‘s loss. So down we g«» from d*y to day in pnces. Tbcre is n-A a dnll connter in oar Store. we ha«e g«'ttcn ont of tb« oU rut The Uny» of !arge pr\*fils are over. Everv d»y it will be sometbiug new and fempting io slyl« »nd pnces. We can‘t menlion bnt a few »rticles in tbis eolamo. bot wi»h lo imprvss yon tb »l if you wani anytbing in oar line yon ean get it t KOCK BOTTOM FRICES an»l a guarautee tbe go«vds are as repreeente«l. If yon boy tbose Tnrki*b Towels of ours yoo will surelv pn»y for n»in. Tb«v are so ditf-r-ent from the cbeap tbings ofiered as Turkish Towels. Cash bought tbese so that we ean seil tham at jost as low a figure as the eheap goods are offered at. A h.»nd8oiuh PCRSE is a verv decephve thing It aloooet alw»ys creates the impression th.»t there is monev in it, «nd so there is. if • . ( von save ou the purchase pr»c«‘ bv bnymg of us. t\e struck h snap in onr purchase of PI RSES —aud will glve yon the benefit of j it. They ruu from '2ō eeule to \ per(ect b»*auties in Real AJligalor aud Russtan Seal with Sterliug j Silver 3lonntiog8. PARASOLSIntorest yon? Look :*ll over ! towu for jusfe what you wauted— ; beg pardon, you looked every • j plaee but here. lf you bad yon would h:»ve seen, Ladies Small Carriage, Black Sateens. BlaCK . Gloria, Silk Serges, Navy Blae Silk wilh Dresdeu China (real) baudles, Bluck Silk N'atural Stick handles. etc. Also, a fnll line uf 3Ien’s ineh Silk'Umbroll«s. No faucy prices on these goods. ■ B. F EHLERS & C0.