Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 195, 23 August 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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It is understood tbnt a new sup»erintendent of tlie iusane asy!um is to be appointed at the end of the montb. Mr. W, Auld j has been an excellent superinteudent and is the right man in the rigbt plaee. The position is a very delicate one and should be filled by a man who possesses sufficieut discretion and intelligence to attend in a proper raanner to tbe unfortunates under bis charge. To send an ordinary “rough” without knowledge of the Hawaiian language and devoid of the necessary huraanity combined with firmness will bring the institnlion into disrepute and be a pieee of down right cruelty. It is to be hoped tbat politics will play no rule iu the raaking of this appointment. Our rulers should remember that sonse of them mīgbt become iumates qf the asylum in a short while—that ia, if jostice is done.