Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 195, 23 August 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Nc*EBOUS coraplaints have Iateiv beer> raade residents of the Mak... atstr.c* who are constantly antM>ved by tl.e target shoot ! ing in whieh a nuraber of the govexnment supporters indu!ge frora daylight to sun dowu. We cannotse* why'lie *ax payers shouid be submitted to this uuisance. It raay bo necessary for the shooting gentleiuen to keep up their practice, but they sbou!d endeavor to do it at such ! places nnd hours, when p»eaeenble citiz»‘ns eannoi be disturbed. To be wakeued up before six in the ioorning by the bangiug of Wincliester rifles is not very plensant, and we don’t blame the Mnkiki people for kicking. If the autborities will not stop tbe nuisance, we suggest that some of the liouse owDers or residents make an oA’ioial co»nplaiut aud bave the heroes arrested forcommitting a eommon nuisance.