Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 22 August 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Mr Goehaj* D. Gil»as of Bostoo. dui:v«?red a K»cture !ast uigbt at tbe Y. M. C A. Ioawmbling w«y be disbed op what he cniled bis reniiniscense8 of Hawaii. He careiolly omitted all refer6uces to tbat p*ri of bis life wbere be was tbe recipient of favors frmn the preseut reigoiug family whieh bo dunug tbe last vear bas assisted in traducing and abnsing. He was probably ashamed of himseif wbicb proves that even a former peddler of bad cognac to whalen» m Lahaina, ean have a cou8cienoe— and wbat is still more remarkab!e, that said eouaoienee hasn’t oboked him yean ago.