Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 22 ʻAukake 1894 — TOO BAD. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Tlie A(h'triieer m*n bas gottbe worrus this morniog. and be eon Beqnently wants the HOLOMUA ioppresaed. Since the $500 ver dict »g>i‘.tist him he bas been irritable and nerroos and his editoriaU have been even more erratic ihan whap he is ncrmal. It is rather amusing to see this, at otLer time«, eliampion for the liberty o( the press anxioos to »dopt Russian roeasures against a jourual opposed to him and bis party pobtica!ly «nd eoeialU', in worldly and spiritual matters. His accusation thst the HoLOJirA is a volgar and scnrrilous leaflet does not deserve mueh notice. The Adverli$tr editor is ueither by birth, edocation or instinct qualifie<l to jodge of the line of policy or style of onr paper. We admit that we have been unable to follow him on bis lofty patb when he dropped to tbe level of a cor in his ahuses of Queen L5liuokalani. When he heaped vulgar ridicole and indecent scurrility on the head of that mueh tried woman, whose preaenee in the days of her power was so freqaently sooght by his servile bmthers and relatious. Wo have heen uuahle to imitate him wheu he gloated with tnumph over the financial raisfortones of his political opponents and wheu he sneeringly refeired to ruin bronght on the hends of women aud cbildren belongiug to the uieii who steadfast)y «dhered to their loyalty aud refiised to eommii perjury and stanip themselves us traitoi-s aud uugratefol renegades as has b«*en the case of the members of hi» family and his party. We will trv to do better. We promiso him that in the future we shall drop onr alleged style of vulgarity und devote our time to learn from the AdvfrU?er how most cruellv, and regardlessly to hurt the leelings of our political opponenln and lift our voice in a ringing hoseauna whenever raisfortune overt:iko8 the raembers of the faraily rompact and the evil bieath of acandal touches the immacuhite flock. And when we becorae adept pupils of the Adier(iser and learn tlie “stvle” to perfectiou we hope to find grace from Mr. Castle and be able to persnade him not to snppress us. lf he should still pcrsist in his praiseworthy uudertaking we raust bow to the iuevitable. We only nsk him to let us know when he is going to begin. as we desire to be around when the circus tskes plaee. Aud then we wish him a sj>eedy recoverv from his spleen aud re commeud him to the teuder car€ of musoular Dr. Hatzopolus—and the Jews.