Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 22 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

PUEIFIED WATER. CJED BT THE CONSOLIt>ATBt> SODA WATER WORKS COMP AXY—Limited. X3a.®y FviirLls33. t32i© FcuLHtsdJQ.s T2MCVLg*3D.O'U.t tl2-0 Oit3T. EXCfPTING OX* DPuLxe as Or3rstalcr TET IT. aug< HOLLlSTER & CO. Importers. Wbolesale and Retail Dealers m Pine OigeixsJ SaaQ.o3sdJC.gr Tc*toaccc, Sxrxc3s©xs .Axticles. Agents for the Celebraied G. H. L). PIPE8. M.\DE !N PARIS aue' Benson. Smith & Co„ The Corner isr DRU6 STORE Pure Drugs, Fine Perfumes, Prompt A-ttention. Low Prices Corner Fort *fe Hotel St8. aui II i I; V / A 1 S. Will on AUGUST lst Remove from his preaent atore on Holel 8treet, to the plaee formerly oeeuiūeii by Beneon, Smith <k Co., on Fort street. After I get 6ettled it will be to your advantage to note the pricea, eUr., that will appear in this eoluma.

290 Ring Up 290 United l i Carriag:e Company, j M. REIS i J.C. QUINN Capt. Wm. Davies, Rige:er, Stevedore and| W recker. EhTIMATE8 AND CONTRACT8 ON ALL K1NDS OP W0BK Steamer Waim.Analo will run repular Waianae, Waialu* and Way Landing. lnqaire t offloe ot i. 8. "um o-m Spreeset’» B*ak. ttb U-tf. ■T5b WūPld Do W|0VE A.ND » DOK« l'iie • • $errice wbo have mounted tbeir Meeeeoger8 on Columbia - Bicycle« Tbej will deliver Packages \uu to 50 lbe. weight) and Meaaagea quicker ihan by *ny other method acd cheaper toō. “ Don’t be a Clatn. 3ave iime «od money by aaing the Meesenger Semoe. L. M. JOHNSON. Managor Mutu*l 599 Tkl: Bell 559 jy5 3ta

MACHINE MADE POI! FACTORY. ; KALIHI. Taro Planle, Freah Top- and R«w T»ro at all times. Riug Up Mutua! Telephone 577, Bell 845. W. L. WILCOX, jy25 Man«ger. pH( : K ooKNEk o»Nuuanu and Beretania 3treeW. 561 561 G«30D. RKLIABLE a.np jy27 lf CIVIL DRIVERS. Gust. A. Mauer, HA WAUAN HOTKL BARBER Ladi** ShamjM*>{ny a 9peciaUy. HonohUu. aug4. Chas. T. (hliek 1 NOTARY PUBUC For th« lalaml of OaLu. Agent to Take Acknowledgmenta to Labor Contmct«. : Agent to Grant Marriage Lieen- '\ sea, Honolnln. Oahu. ;Agent(ortbe Haw’n lalanda o! Pm & Scorr's Freight and Parcela £xpree8. Agent for the Bnrlington Koute l|Real Estate Mer aitBeserai Bell Tel. 348; Mut. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. iOFFlCE: No. 88 MERCHANT 1 9treet H°QoIolu H