Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 22 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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TUTI BHED1E8. «ILL tritC«wiaBj<V». C»tarA. •*! d o! ;nt». »ad FUh » ti*e *o« S«sa >rt «>ttfaiB<4 itat ls »111 TVt >rv Tff*«*W* ■* - . tero2l by d*iK»6» 5S* rw»**** inlhl- :W rp«» M *ll 5«x4 b> >n* , c, q. s«n*»»ri *'■* •* r T <rU **- T ! ASlCXīS7aJkīlWS X 5DTICS. THE U>'DER>!GKED b**ī*»2 ***» | app»ia:«*i T«ap»r*rj Ad*int*: r °i t“< &titTof Jo«mi Huw Pel*Paooa. Honoiala. Oah*. V«b(r U Wnh S»reo to »11 cr«<ditor» of tb* dcm«cd to pcō««t tieir c taim» *!»«her «cared M >rtr»cc. or otherw «T • atb«aUio»:r<i «nsl «U lh« pr»{wr Toacber». ii ut net to tte nad.'r»ifntd wH“» mt ibhīi's* trt m tbe d»tr berff>! or īfcrt wiil be fo«vr.- turrwt »t<d «1! per»oas ind«bted to tbr «atd dkcvw>wJ *rr rv{nr*l to «*ke lmm«nliate p*Tmect %t thf OtRct e i J*. «- E*-w«. Cortier a l Kin* *o<l Betbrl ?lreeU. - & K KAXK , Tempor»r* Adnaini#trator ot tbe E»t*te oT JvMet>b Hewoo Pvlr. b) dree*#rvi. Hooolala. Aacsx#t Id< l'W» »«f l*-5» w AOHINISTRATION S N0TICE. THE UXDER£1GNED b»Ttu<j bren dnlT •ppointed Adniinictratrix of tbr wt*lr of H. K. K v i>.grE (k), Ule of HaUai*. KohaU, I»laud o« Uawaii. decea*r<L Xotlce U hereby <s T m to all creditor» oi ihe dece*je« to p-ē*ent the!r cl»nn« wbetb«r iecnred b* M >rtjfaj{e or otherwi#c dulT aulbendic*ted *nd witt Use proper Toucber». if »ny esUt, to the wiihin »ix mon’.hō from Uie d»te ber«ot or tbey wili be forerer b*rred; ind »U per»on» iudebted to Uie s»ld decea»ed *re r«|Qe»t to make im medi*te p*ym- ni *t tbe 01Sce of 5. K. K*-sc. Corner of Kint \ad Bctb l Slree£». UpiUin MES. NAOMI KAAIHUE. AdminUtratrix of Ihe E»t*te of H. K. Kaaihue, decea»ed. Uonolulu, Aagu» 14 R9S. 3w. W^2sTE13. Three bright Hawaiian Oirls to sell the famous VIAVI REMEDY. Apply at the o!fice of the Viavi Romedy ou King Street. j aug6 F0R SALE - RENT. 1 Piano, 1 Organ and Sewing Maehine inquire of », P. BI RU>» Beretania Street. CRITERION SAL00N, j WeilandExtra-Pale Lager BEerj 2 Schooners for 25 Cts. jyl4 L. H DEE, Prop r loV eJ 0 Y & eo, W{jolBgale Wiqe \ Liqupi t ūealei^ 19 Nunanu Street We would eall your attention to Our Special Brands Longlife Pure Cream RYE WHISK£Y. Fredericksburg Beer au2 in casks or bottles T. B. ' Murray Is Yet to (>e l'onml i On the Old Ntand. Xn. II Klng Nt.—HU Bu»ineM jm CARRIAGE AND w .\ianifaitikhk; Goes On. When the “PEOPLES* PAJRTY” gets smashed he will be ready to 8EPAIE, PAIH m TB1IIT At n Reasonable Figoro. — No Extra Charge for Fornishing them witb Commou 8en.se. LET THEM R1KG UP MUTUAL TKLEPHONE 572. ijutm