Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 22 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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£>ong Branch i-8ATWI«G-Establishment. This Fire»-ClfcB B*thiag R«sort haa been enltrged and is now open to the pahlie. It is the he«t plaee on the islamis to ecjoy a B*th. and tbere is no better niaee to lay off. Special accommodations for Ladies. Tramcars p*!»s the door erery half hour, and on Saturdays and Sundays every fifteen minutes. C. J. SHERWOOD, jy24 Proprietor. Removal ! iHustace Co, HAVE MOVED TO I Morgan's - Auctlon - Roome for a short tinie. W> *rlUn< Departure Bay COAL CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA and KINDLING \VOOD in 4uy qa«otity. I Uolli Te!epbonea 414 Empire Salcx>n, JAM£S OLDS, P»opaiKTOR pine Wizies, Liquors. Beer ALWA8 OS HAKD, Comer Nunanu *nd Hoiel Stre«U. BeU Xelepbone 341. Post Offleo Box 107 Woven Wire i Mattresses Now. for the first time manufactured right here in Honolulu. By the only man outside of tbe United Kingdom, who uses WIRE, whieh will not RUST; he having secured ezclusive rights to use the same. PATR0NIZE HOME INDUSTRY is a backneyed pbrase. But if vou want to buiid up a Nation, inaua* tries must be fo«t«red. Keep your 1 money in your own islands. and I buy a Non-Corrosive Solld Comfoii Spring Bed. made in Honolulu. whieh will n< t SAG or RUST, or.. A Perfccti«n Co», ChUd‘» Crib, Vcr»mUh Ch*ir, Lonnge, Tbr«e-0iiarter» Slugir »ml Full size. Foldlng Wlre Be>l» ( ARTICLES soitable to your climate; PRICEs suitable to tho times, as yr»u find them. For the Best IIEI) in the >Iarket, I t| « ! I racommend the HARTFORD WEAVE SPRING BED, Trebl« Wire all tbroueh, WOVEN as fine as eloih. Solid 4 ineh. Maple frames, Malleahle C»stings, Warranted in every p«rticuiar. Never yet failed U> gire satisfaction. 1 offer the-e goods to tbe ouhlie with confideoce, having made them for yeare. You ean now get your very Large KOA BKOS, fitted with a WIP.E MATTRESS. Any size made to order. 0Ē* Buy the BED of tbe FUTURE, of Me»ers. T. U. Davies <fc Co- Ll <1.. Hopp A Co„ Witliams Bros.,I. X. L. Orrlway * Porter, or of the Maker W0VEN WIRE Hotei Slreet, Honolula, (oext d«or to Horn’s Steam Bakery.) aug 14-Im