Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 22 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Club Stables Company, $.F. Mana^ei 5 Livery and Feed FORT STREET, betweeu Hotel aiifl Beretania Streets, Honolulu. Both Te!ephones .... jy‘23 Im 477 PIONKEK Steam CANDY Factory, MKI:RY and Ice Oeani Parlors I HOR 1863 1894 PRACTTCAL CONFEC TIOISrEK and ORNAMENTER In aU braucher o/ lhf bu»inf$» ou thf$f i»laud$. Amenean, En?lish. Germ»n and Frcncb PASTRIES M«de to OnJer BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CA&£S M»dc ol the Very Best MaterW and at Reaso'nabte Rates Family Graham & Fancy Bread Ahcav$ on Hnud ALL COXFECTIOXERT Manufactnreti at Mt Eetab)lehment Are Gnaran»eed to be 'PositiTeIy Pure and SoId at Prices no olber e-,tablishmeat eao compete wltb. FACTORT AND STORE. Xo. 71 Hotel Street, Honolnlo. Both Telephone« Xō. 74. Jr» PANĪHEON 8AL00N, FOBT A\l) HOTEL ST9. HeaiQaarters Eaterproe Brefim Cs. TH£ Larg*st Consigniiieut of Beer that ever arnved here, now on Draught Jy» J. l>ODD, Prop r NOTICE TO Yffltm, Pieaie Parties ; Laaas —4X0 — GEXERAL PUBLICt At Sm3th's Bcs axd Livsky Stable, Kixg St*eet. (ActioinĪBg MeUopohUa &ieat \Ltrket.) ls ihe Chenpnt PUee ia Towa joo ean ge BaHpes. ind Snddi< Ho.km. It pay yon to emll and *e* Toatx% *Wbere Mulnal Telephone 40H »ugl-tf