Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 22 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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MACFABLANE A CO. Lkolen in I Vine* and SpiriU KMhamuia Street, Honolnln. H E McIXTYRE A BRO., Gbocebt. Feed Stobe 4 Bakebt, Corner of King and Fort Sta., Honolulo J. PHILL1P8, PR\CTICAL PLUMEEK, GA8.FITTEB X)PPEB-SMrTH, House and Ship Job Work Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street, Honolula. I*. MeLENNAN, Fort Slreet, tbove Hotel. Mulnal TeIephone 682. t<>r offlce; ' 287 for residence. jy28 ED. C EOWE. Houf€ Sign and Oinamenial Painter. ManufacturQ of Liquid Slatmg. 020 King Street. augl LEWTS J. LEVEY, Real Estate and General Auctioneer. CoroeriFort and Qaecn Street9, Honolnln Personal attention given to Sales o! Furnilure, Real Estate, Stock and General Mercbandise. Mntn»l Toleohone 23S H. L()SE, N" otary l^uhlie. Collector and General Bueiness Agent. Patentee of Lose ! s Ohemioal Compuund for Clarifying Cane Jmee. Snb-Agent for several oJ the Best FIRE INSURANCE C0S. Mnlnal l'elephone ». P. O. Box 338. Merchant ntreet. Honolnln. ■' ' ' _ “FAT BOY." BAY H0RSE’£3 8AL00N I T. McINERNT, Fropric*>r, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. COR.NKS BrrHEL *>T) Hotkl 8ts. Honolulu Carriage Manufactory W W. \VRIC.HT, P*oprietos. (8ucce»»or to G. We»t), pARRIAGK Bl !LDING BEPAIBING. AU Order» from the Otber Isl»nd« In the CarrUfre HulWini;. Tnnimini aod P»ĪDtinc Line «ill Meet ' with Proropt Attention. Hlack«nithinc in AU lt» V»Hons Brancbes Done. P 0. Box S3l. No». I3S «nd 130 fort Street. jyl9 ly W. S. LUCE Wine and Snirit Merchant CampbeU Fire-proof Block, MERCHANTST. HONOLI7LU. 1 CfiIj\E8E CHRRlfl6E C0J/PAS Y, 33» Both Tklephoxes 335 Haek Sund. Corner King aud Maunakea Street«. Hacks at All Hours. jy27 Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALIA," Am>ther Invoice of the World RenowTied FREDERICKSBURG LAGER BEER ! On draught «ud by the keg. Also, as a Specialty, | SMALL FR£SH Cauforhia 0YSTERS, POK COCKTAILS tnajl 3m*