Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 22 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HOLOfAU\, I» prBLIHHED Everv Afteraoon riCEPT srSDAT BT THE Holomua Pub!isHngCo. At King St. (Thomafl block), Honololu, H. I. SUBSCSimO!7, per Konlh, 50 Cts. The u delirered by C«ni«r» in the t>«n am «nbarfo«. Smgie Copie» lor 8alt i> «h» \,>r. I>e«ier» and at tbt Offica oi pablication. iD¥UND NORRIĒ. • - Editor P, M ROONEY, • - Manager NOTICE. All Hnainmu Communlcation* shonld be • ddT««Ad to P. M ,KOONEY. Oonoluln, U. I. \ Oirrw»ponrttnoe and l ’ommunieaUona lor l oUioaUon abould be addrreeed to the Editor llawiui Uolomna No notio® wiil be paid to anr anonymona oomumniealion». Business Cards VOLNEYV A8HFORD, Attorney anil Coonselor at Law, Olliee, Sito of tbe Old Bethel — Wost Corner of King uml Betbel Htroets. jj’2l A. P. PETEUSON. attouney at law. C>ffloe: 113 Kaahnmann Street, Hunolulo Hawaiiau I»lauds. CHAKLES CREIGHTON, ATTORyEY AT LAW, Offlce: 118 Kaahamann 8treet, Honolnln Hnwaiian I*laud8, PAUL NEUMANN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Itl4 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Mntual Telephone 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTOKNEY AKD OOUXSELLOR AT LAW. (>fflc«. 01d Capitol Building, (Honolnlu Uale), adioming Office, Honoluln. A. ROSA, ATTORN*EY AT LAW, No. 15 Kaahumauu St., Honolulu, Hawaiian islanda. H. F. BERTELMANN, OONTEACTOU AND BCILDF-U,’ 86 King St., Bell Telephono 107. F. H. REDWARD. OOSTRACTOR A5D BrU»EH. No. 506 King Street, Honolulu. Hawaiiau Isiands. WILLIAM FOSTKR, ATORNET-AI-LAW A NOTART PCBL1C, Honolulu, H. 1., 13 Kaahumanu StreeL jy24 A. G. eOUKKA, MTATTOKNEY AT 307 Merchant Street, Honolulu. jy&) DAVID DA¥TOX, Ageut to Take Acknowledgroents. ill Atteud ta M.in.sgenu*nt and Hale of Property—Colleotiou in All lts Branches. Office No. 42 Mercbant Street; Muiual Telephone 380. jy28 A. S. MEDFIROS A CO.. Merohant Tailoi*«. Amenonn, English and Sootrh Tweeda on h*nd Fuvt-«U« work ifuaranterd. Hotel ht , under Arlmgtoe Holei, Uonoiulo jy 17-lmou Fernandes k Gomes WHOLE&ALE Callfornia Winea and Spirlts, Ko. 502 Fort St. Honolulu, H. I. P. O. Box 436. Muiual Tele. 140. )yaoto