Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 22 August 1894 — FOR SALE. [ARTICLE]

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X nNE •• )QDNir.HT STALLTOS oolt bok>agiiig U> P. D Lwaberg. Tfa «U , cbb be Sf*o *s Um FaNIHEoN 8TaBLE

Church and Liquor. — New Tork, July 30— The WoAd wiil tomorrow say: Arcbbisbop Corrig«a bas writteo • , very important letter to tbe editor | oC the VTine and Spirit . J io wbicb be makee an antboritative statement witb reg»nl to tbe deoision of Mgr. Satolii aifecting Koman C<ttbolic Iiquor dealers. The Arcbbisbop's letter was calied fortb by an editohaI recently pnbli*hed in the Ga:etie. wbicb says of Mgr. S*tolli’s deeiaion; “WiM it be enforceil in tbe cities of tbe coantn ? Fully twothirds of the retail liqnor dealers of tbe coontry are Romxn Catbolics. Some of tbese are liberal contributors to tbe cborch fands. j We appreciate fully tbe delicate po.sition in whieh Arcbbishop iorrigan aud the otber Bishops of tbe CathoIic wor)d in this! country are placed by tbe decree , of tbe Papal del*?g>»te. We voice tbe sentiuientsof a large m.»jority of tbe liqnor dealers of this city in Brooklyn inst»ying: “Wedare Arcbbisbop Corrigan to enforce in letter and spirit the decree ngainst tbe liqnor traflic just issued by Mgr. SatolIi. Let tbe Arcbbisbop do it, and watch the consequences ” Tbe Arcbbishop’s letter is in bis own hand-writting. In it be savs: ‘In reply to vonr expressed wish, I have the bonor to say that I loyally accept the principles laid down by Mgr. Satolli botb in tbeir spirit and to the letter. Moie than tbis, no Catholie ean refuse to accept them. | As to the fear of conseqnences, I have yet. thank God, to learn | wbat fear is in a discbarge of ray ! duty. Please remember, bowever, that eeeeplanee of princi- ; ples is not to be coufounded with the blind npplication of the same on all occasious and under all circuinstances.’ The editor of the Gatetie (Smith) has this to say about tbe Arcbbishop’s letter: “The aoswer does not entirely and squnrely roeet the issue. It J is not a qnestiou of accepting a 1 principle laid down by the head j of the churgh, but of the conrage j to carry out in letter and spirit the principles just proclaimed by j the Papal delegate in the face of seeraingly adverse pnhlie senti- j raent. Tbe issue is: Will tbe j Archbisbop give orders to refuse udmission to Koman Catbolic societies to any one engaged, i , either ns pricipul or ageut, in the ; raanufacture or sale of intoiicating li»iuors, and wi!l he instruct the clergy to deay tbe rigbts and privileges of tbe cbnrch to liquor dealers who sell on Sunday? “Tbe declaration of the Archbisbop seeras to jnstify the eonclusion that in the discharge of his duty he will enforce this principle, altbougb be does not say so in bis letter in distinct terms. Future developments will . show bow far tbis conclusion is jnstified.”