Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 22 August 1894 — Teach Them to Swim. [ARTICLE]

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Teach Them to Swim.

In view of the many and harrowinp deaths by drowning that nre always nmonp the distressing incidents of tbe summer season, it wouhl seem as tboupb pareuts wou!d considor it far more necessan' to have their.cbildren tanght to swim tbun to spend so mueh care and troublo on accomplisbments tLat are of no eartbly value to any of the Utter wbo gets into tbe w.«ter over his or ber bead. This little preach, says the Phiiadelphia Time« , is uot uieani iu any way to run down the advai.t;iges to be derived from this bighest menlal traiuing. bnt wh«t g »od will diploraas and honorary I degress be if in a momeul «f impulsivu recklessness, or owinp to some nnforseen acc>dent, tbe student le«ms. alas ? tbat it is sink or swim, with nioe ehaueea oot of ten in faror of ti»e former, 1 jf lber« has never heretofore been g:ven, »long witb the other thoogbt-to-be neces«5ar>’ iessons ; j a single one of the raost iraportanl branches of human educa- | tiou: Boys and girls aliae sbould be given instruction in this branch. Parents woold feel higbly incense»l if soine ontsider were to remark that tbey cared moro for tbeir welfare. Yet io many cases this is trae L thongh perhaps nnwitticg’y so.