Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 22 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
POUNI) MASTEK’S NOTU E \otic« in b«rt>hy giren to «11 penona th«t there are at th« G->vernn:eut Fonnd at M«kiki, t«o vtmyed bors«*. I red mare, white “ spot on tbe forehe«d, brand iudescrib«bl« ou the l«g, white right hind īeg. I n-d colt, wbite spot on tbe forehead, whit« hght bind U»g. Any peraon ur persons owning tbese horae« are reqnested to eome and Uke tbe wn« on or before 12 o’elook noon, SATCRDAY, SEPT. I, JAMES KUKONA. Ponnd )i««ter. Mmkiki, Ang. 21, 1SW. «og. 2l-Iw. THOMAS LlNDSAY. ' ' Manuf(tclure JtvAcr <t Wucthmaker % M>'Iucroy Block. 4«3 Fort 3l. Uonolola. «a2U POUXD MASTER’S XOTICE. Noticc is bereby giren U> «11 peraon« li ew are «t tbe *io»enuuent Ponnd at Ma- . kiki. itrmyeti honen. 1 ml in ire, long whiie *pot on th« forei head, brmudetl Q oa left hind Ug mnd * br«nd !udr-cnble oo left fore-leg. 1 tTe*oi &Mre. k>ng wbife <pot on the forehe«d, bnuid >nduK.nbab:e oo l«g. 1 red 15Hy. while apol on the (ore-beed, j bemg not br.»udetl. I 1 ttaimon-collored horae, while apot on Ihe f'>re-heod, branded A on right hind tes , wkite left hmd leg, feet mre aheel. ' I red hone, wmie »pot on hwek, fannd«d PA on nght hind whiu left hind leg. i --- 1 g«pple hone, pooriy condition, whiie i «pot oo the (areh«*<l. bnmdo>i ) C on nght ' hmd leg, feet are whlle. Ail pemona owumg the«e hone* *re reqnested ki emu aud t«ke the on or bclure 12 o’eioek neoo. BATtmn«v SEPT. I. ISW. Uakiki. Aug. 20. 180*. JAMLS KEKON’A, Ponnd M*rtler. aog 20-1 wdiy RlN«i UP MUTL’AL TELE. 313 NIEPER S Baggage Expres«, OOee, 339 Fort St,. Honoluiu, H. I. • B 3 gg a g« »nd Fnruitare Cnrcfully llandied and Deiivered at Sbort | Notice to All Pnrt8 of ihe C:ty. Suūd oo C»r. of F«*rt dc Queen Ste. Tai Wo Wing Kee Co. 38 NL UA.N’L STRKET Dealtn» in Ladies’ & Genta' Boot» and Shoee amde u> order. PuBoi«7