Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 22 August 1894 — LADIES’ COLUMN. [ARTICLE]

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Wheo the trade fiods time to | donbt onr assertions abont s*ios 1 and prices. bnl one eoneloaion ean be fonnetl. and tbat is tbat we are settiog tbepsce on pneea, s»s well as dring the basioess. Tbere »s an old prorerb tbat I “wbat is one «uan's loss »3 a!waj-a anotber man’s again. We are g«>ing on reconl and ch«rge it to wbat is yoor gain, by tr.iding wilh us, aiul ours by increased business —is tbe otber man s loes. So down we go frv>m day to day in pnces. There is not a doll counter in oor Slore; we have gv>tten oot of tbe old rut. Tbe Oays of largo profita are o»er. Every day »t will be something new aml temptiug in styles and prices. W e ean t ment;on but a few article» in tbis eolnmn. bnt wish to impress yo« that if you w*ut anvthing in our line you ean get it :.t HOCK BOTTOM PRICES and a go*raotee the poovls are as represcnte*l. If yoa boy those Turki»h Towels of ours yon will surelv pn«y for r»in. Xbey are so different frora the oheap things otfered as Turkish Towe!s. Cash bought these so that.we ean soll tbom at jnst as low a figare as tbe eheap gotnls are offeretl at. A handgom<* PL r RSE is a very deoeptive thing It ulmost always oreates tho inipressioa th.»t thero is monoy in it. and so thero is, if yo« si»ve on Ihe purcbase price bj‘ bnying of us. W'e struck a Mk«p iu onr purohase of PL’KSE8 —uu»l will give you tbe benofil of it. T!iey nm from 25 cents to perfoct beautics m Real Alligator aiul Hussi»u Soul witb Sterling SiKer Moui>tiug&.