Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 21 ʻAukake 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The raanner in wbicb captain of polieo, Langley was caught accopting bribes,aud the manner ; in whieli tbe raid on tbe Freucb lionse nn King stroot was made, do not reflect credit on tbe poliee. i If tbe polieo is in sucb a corrupt { state tiiat it bas become ueces 8;iry for tbe saperiors to spy on | tbe subordinate it is high time j tbat a roform was made in t!io system. If it is uecess >ry for n senior Ciiptaiu to entor into a j baro faced conspiracy witb an underling for tbe dctcction of J crime. aud to legali7.’* a crimin:\l action ou tbe part of sucb onder- ; ling for the pnr{»ose of crimin atiug otbers tbere is sometbiug radioal wrong. We siucerely hope tbat all paticnlar relating to the “French” c.ise will be i brooght out at tbe trial, aml all j>ersous connected witb tbe matter who are gu»lty of breaking , the law bro.ight to justice, be ' tbey senior captains. spies. in formers or prostitutes.