Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 21 August 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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It m sincerely to be bof>ed that the government wili see its way to j>lace e1ectr>c ligl.ts on the Wa ; ..iki road. It is a disgrace t<> the commanitv to »eave the most use<l drive w.y m total darknes- It i- uuderstood that the e!ectric light compauy is wiiling to make airangeraent« for rnuniug a !iue to the l*ark at lens{ and the govornment sbonld juinj> it the ehanee. If ilioie is nn nioii- v in the tie:«snrv borrow HOine from the " 7’tser. ”