Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 21 August 1894 — The Kawaiahao Seminary. [ARTICLE]

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The Kawaiahao Seminary.

Tbe next scbool t*«n of the Kewaiahao Seroibary oj»ens on . the 3rd of next montb. and all j p«renfs and puardi*ns »hod«-*ire to take a»lTai t-»Re of this* xcellent edocational inst tation shoald at onee eommunieale with Misa 1 Elix-*beth E. Gillam and secore rooms f.»r their cl«i!dren and wards. The Semiuarr ia deser-

vcd!v oue of thf fivori-« i,.stitatioa ir the oonutry snd its record is cqnal (o ihat of any similar sebo< 1 abroad. As «*nly a limile<l number of boarders ean be eut-red it i» necessary tb*t applications ebouId be filod as soon as po6sibfe. To the Hawaiiana we will mention that politics Lave becn bani»hed from the Seminary nnder the present nianagercent t aud lhat the sole object of the aehool is to educate and morally elevate Hawaiian girls that tl;ey may become wortby members c«f society.