Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 21 August 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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At a meeting of th« “Consins" (the family com{>act) Mr. W. N. Anuatrong who yet is roaming aiaong us del;vered «n addrees on the Jews iu Amorica. it is to be hoped th«t the addrcss of Mr. Armetroag wili hare the etfec( of cooling tha ardor of the dde«rtiser ;nd peromptoiiy eheek fortler importitious of Jews ini Hawaii a* an otfset to Asiatics It strikes u». by Ihe way, that ceitber the A(tceiii*er or Ann- | «troug kuow what tboy are talking abont whon they, from oppo- i site sides. laekle the Jews. Tbere ! aro Jews aud Jows, am) don't j you forgel it (') j