Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 21 August 1894 — EXPERT TESTIMONY. [ARTICLE]
night's . contaios an art cV he*ded “As to <*rnnkemif" wiiieh is *»f gr-at intere«t to tbe e >inmnoity us coraing frma the |>en of an acknowledgecl anthoritv ou the matter. The $tar man has funnd a rercedy against the intemperance of the Hawaiians. He propo*es tos l mt np the “half-d z “n <vloon8 in the uative »ji. ir -r. pivsnmably ini «mng Nun .nn -lreet, nnd allow tfae reinainii g -.i’o>.ns to do all the bnsincsh. Ile fnrther on pro-|U/sc-s to plaee all saloous nnder g<)vernment control, and !et tbe auth'>nlies heeomo bnr-ke<-j)ers by p-ddlingont “pure wincs and liquors t.i rc'5.j)onsible nduits. in moderate qu int ties 1 M hat ihe groat exj)eit, »vho j)resumablv eon- d> rs i.uii!-eif a *‘responsiule adu!t“ (nt timcs) tueaus by “ moder.ite qaai.(ities,’’ is n<it exj)lained. Tbe to>m is ra(hor v •gi.<* «ud innohly de |.eiid«-iil on the ii di\i<luaiity <>f the iuibiber. We heliwe, the ‘ iin»l<*iat.- ••\j-ort will agroe w:11 1 U8 on t h;it ; <>int Tlie t > c!oso nt> n h«lf doz i v tl«»i>ns siinj>!\ ab snrd. The g \e. nincnt is vi.tual Iy b.iiikrnjit. aml it noe<ls every cent »>f ieveane nhioh e-in be obtaiued. 1 h.e clo.sing <>f six R(il< oos wouid not alone mean the arcount of the l:ceoses, bnt it wonhl ninin nn nbsolute decrense iti ihe C'nstom honse reveunes and an imrnense increase in the innnufiictiirlug of okohhan and swij>es. The Stor exj>eit is evidentl\ trying to hooni uj> a certain saloon intercst«d in tlie Stur. and is trying to got even isith tho s tloon whieh yet holds his name on its books to thc tcne of S10. The following assertion of the Slar umn sj>« ;iks for itself. lt is tbe essonce >f impmlonee nml it is a serious refiection on the liolieo department whieh claims to be very busy nmning in illicit liquoi sollers—who never are j)rosecnted. The “dnink’’ authority writes: “As a rnle, li<jni>r bns not been so!d on Snndny in Honolulu, since tlio overthrmv of the roonarcliy.” Tbat is rich indeed Tho town has never been \ritticssing Anvthing liko \vhat now is going on. Swi|>e inniiufaotories aio as eommon «s mcsqoitoes. «nd lodging liouses under tho imroediate j>itrouage of j>olice officers, nre doing a ftourishing beor nnd whiskey bnsim.‘ss. The conduct of the j)oliee is disgraeeful to any civilizod corumunity and tbe inability of the Marsbal to eontrol his owu cmj)loyee8 ha8 nnule tliis formerly energotic and honest j>olice ofticer a useloss fignrelicnd aiul a tooI in the bands of his underlings with a poliUeal pnll. Tho following sentonce oe the Star exj>ert proves that he hns j found il difficnlt lateiy to get in at tho backdoors of tbe saloor.s on Snudavs. or. that his bazy j br.un has lust tbe rememberauce | of tho dives where he forraerlv | found his Suiulav beverage. He 8*ys: **Up to ihe e,siablishment 1 of tlie Frovisional Govorameut it i was no trick aud not eren dnng- ‘ ot\>us to buv all one wanted after = • • i hours; but now it is hard to get | liquor in most oases on Sonday. : as the risk is greater thau the | I)rofit*' PoorArt!iur;