Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 21 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BRUGE CARTWRICHT BcĀneag of »JFi<}un*rr Kamie TnBS*cted. Ppjmpt a:teatioa giren to the maa«gemei!t of EōtiU-s, G -iariiinsiup*, Trastā. etc., etc., etc. Orfict*, : C<k.iicright BuUdtng, Mercbant Srrcet, Honolnln H. MAY & Co,, Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AND Provision Mercliants 98 Fort Stre<‘t, - Honoluln Farailies, Plantations and Sbips supplietl with choicest European & Anierican Groccries California Produce by Every Steamer. Merchant JExchange Corner King ana Nnaanu Streets. S. I. SHAW....Proprietor. The Finest seleotiou of LIQCOIiS and BEKR. sold any-vrhere in the town. First-class attendance. Call aud judge for yoursel£. no 113—tf. LEWIS & C0. Whoiesale snd Retaii Gro AND PEOViSION DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ON ICE By Every 8au Francisco Steamer Salt Salmox in Barrels a Specialty, III Fcrl SL, Honolulu. Tel. 240, p O. Box 297. CALIFORNiA Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mclueruy Block. JOBBERS OF WINES, and SPIRITS KENGLUN, PH0T0GRAPHER. Nuuana and Paoahi 3trveU, CabiDetS; $3.50 Per Dozen, 2.00 Per 1-2 Dozen, 8x10 $5,50 Per Dozen, ** 3,50 Per 1-2 Dozen. Drr Gooels and Chinese Silks. jy2S plahonal lron Qceex Stbeet, Betweeu Alakea k Richard Sts, THE UNDEB&IGNKD «re ptvpared to make all kiads of Irou Braās, Bww L Zinc. Tin and Lead C«atinge. Also General Bepūr Shop for Ste*m £ngiooa, KiooMilk, Com Milla, Water Wheela, Wmd MilU. etc. Maehinea Jor th« of Coffee, Ca*tor Oils, Be*na, Kaai fa>. BLmū > ' Pineapple Leerea k other Fihrous PUats, And Paper Stoek Ako Moehine* for £xtnetiag Surch iromt | the Manioe, Arrow Boot, ele. 17* All Ord«s promptly ttoaBiād to. WHITE, RITMAN CO.