Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 21 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
CitysaJVIeat Oppo. Qaee& Emms Hall, Establisbed 1383. JOS. TINKER, BU jcH Makrr of the Celehrakd Cambridge Pork Sausage ! i Tby Them. Meat Delivem! to Any P*rt of the City and Soburbs. Mutual Telephon« Number 2S9. Y0K0HAMA RAZAAR, — Oorner of — HOTEL & NUUANU ?ts. Silk and Crcpe9, Embroidered Hadkerchiefs, Window Curtains, Straw Hata, Fans, Hantern9, Baskets. ail sorts; Hiahe», Tea and Breakfast Sets, Trays, Flower Pots. Silk Beduuilts, Bamboo Screcns, Neck-tiea, Silk and Crepe Shirts, Japauese Toys, Japanese Provisions bv thc \\;.uiesa!e. jy28 MURATA 4 C0. City - Carriage \HTQ- Co. Biacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET Biacksmith Work AXD t Carriage Repairing PAINTING :AND : TRIMMING In all its Branches, at Bed Rock Prices. Mulual Telephone .*182 Give us a Call andjudge for yourse!f. jj23 Ho Yen Cq. Tinsmiths and Dealers Crockery, dAssware, $c. W.\TEK PIPE3 LAID AND PLUMBfNU NE.VTLY EXECUTED No ft Nao*oa 3t. between KIng »ml Hot. i -\s€u Building
W'ing Sinir Clian, NO. 330 NUl ANU STREET. HONOLULU ZL^Eexcii.an.t Xailor A fine R3.'ortmer;t of American, EnglUh and Scotch Clotbs on haud. g'X_d work and a F1RST CLASS fil guaranteed Ciotheseaec!an <t repa:red jy7lm SAM YEE HOP, No. 552 King Strect, Dealer in CuIifornia aud Hawaiian Proits and Vegetjhles. Gnava Jelly, Tea and Gmund Cotfee, Cigarsetc. jy2t> Mcrv*i. Tbl j66. P O- Bux 154. WING WO TAI & CO., Xo. *3 Xcvi3te St*k*t, Hos*LtLf, H. I-. Commission Merchanis t 9 —IwrOBTKK» A ytt> D*UU3fcS IX— Gencrai Merehandiee. Ploe Awortment of Siik« Uhoieal Bnads of Cto»«e «nd Tem« o{ Lmtē«* lmport»t ioa« a af JEw Gaodif~iīgti*f\iUtj x>iicU«i, / Fia« Mmnil» Ulaw, OiiaeM »nd JapanMe Crockery*»r*. Matlin<r». V**« ot »11 klnd», C»mp{K>rxo