Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 21 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Fire. Life & ĪVlarinc INSURANCE. HARTFOHD FiHE 1NSURANCE C0.. Assets. ? 7.109.825.49 LONDON-IjANCASHIRE fire ins. co., Assets, $ 4,317,052.00 THAMES-MERSEY MAHINE INS. CO, Assets, 3 6,124,057.00 NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., Assets, $137,499,198.99 C. O. BERGER, General Agent for the Hawaiian Is!and3, iionolnlu E, MctN S( IMPORTEUS AND DEALEKS LN Cxroceries, 3?rovisions A.NI) iCeed, EAST GOHNER FOET & KING|STS. New Goods Rcc'd By every Packet from the Eastern States aml Europe. Fresh Califoruia Protluce by ever}’ stoamer. AIl orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of the city FEEE 0F Ci±AEGE. Island Orders Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Post Office Box No. 145, Telephone No. 92. THE HONOLULU S0AP H0USE. Sclls thc vcry bei>t quality of SOAP at f4.50 pcr 100 pounds and 17 bars of 25 pounds honest weit:ht for ♦1.23, OEKMAN BLUE CASTILE SOAP, manufactured hv Grans Bros.. Mannheim, GermanT, at 10 cenls per ponnd. TOILET SOAP, retail at wholesale prioes. SOFT S<3aP in tins of 42 ponnds, fl.25. STF.AJtIC WAX MINTNG CANDLES, manufactured by thc Emrcy Candle Works of Cincin»ti. Ohio, 12 Cundies for 25 cents. KIAWE FIKE \VOOD, 110 per cord. The sarae cut in blocks ofI2 inches lonp at any qoantity from ♦! up. DeliTered frce of charve to anT part of the citv. KIAWE CHARCOAL at 40 cents a sack. Richmuud. Va., CEDAR WOOD POI PAIL3 finishcd with brass hoops. Small siae 30 cents; large size 75ccnts. Empty Vinegar and Wine BARRELS a» water reeeirers at ♦!. KITCHEN SALT in sacks of 100 pounds. 50 cts TABLE SALT given awav. Hlghest cash price paid for IIIDES, SKINS and TAe.LOW. TIlKEE 0 PACKAtiES, eontaining 30 BOXES of.TOKIO PARLOR MATCHES, only TEN C£TNTS. JST- BREHAM, Mutual Telephone 314. Bethel Street aug0

P. 0. Box 480. Mctdal Telephoxe 245, The Clieapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy NewandSecondHand Furniture IS AT THE COR.VEH OF King & Nuuanu Sts. I X L Honoiulu ir» * I

i CHOCLv LOOK, THE C0MMERCUIL Merchant TaiIor, No . 4S Nuuanu StHonolulu A fiiie &ssorliDeQt of Ameilean, Eiw:ll«*b an<l I $rotch clolhs on b*ad. Good work *od * j First-ei»» fit faarmatml. Clotbca Cle*n«d j iad Kepaimi. I — . Sin2T Loy j Merchant Tailor, Dry Goods , Men and Ladies's | Shoes. 8ALOON, Harry Klemme, Manager Cor. Nauanu Beretania sts. Honololu, H. I. The Only Sport;ng Honse io Towu. No. W7 K':ngSireer, n *%i Holomui." j«ly 5 IO. !P. S, a Specialitv. YLE CHAN, DEAI ER IV Fip Fa?ni^hing Fine T»i!orīng Fine Chinese aud Japaoese H&Qdkercbitfs Nos. 31 to 33 Nuuauu Su H»nolulu, P.O. Box 253. Jy5 L0HENGBIX LAGE£ |BEEE, Always oo Draaght "2 GLASSES FOB 25 CENTS. Be$t of Wines, Liquors, and Cigars, ALWAYS ON HAND. i«lt£