Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 21 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Y1AYI BEBD1E8 WIIL crBE' «wamp«dB. CuuTt>. Crniy. »" r*īa 4 'aiw. Kwaa» t o»lūenu. »* Pl« ia ti» «ws tof*sl!wt iī wtll Ltwūf^Tb*T iw V«rt»W» «<■»««• b«4 by tte aort drtte*tr iw 5»ma^f« Prin»«iiUa!biMf!i ** '■ *- w C, Q. t»IIow ajr. »•• BWk. Badrr /B*o©*a*u. W*r AS3CXIST3ATiaS'8WHC8. THE USDEKsfiVED ha*»»* beea inwnleil T«apor«iT Admioiitr»lor of 1« Utite of Jo>m Huw c> * P«oo«. HoiimiiIb, Oih*. NotKT » btrfby eiv<c U> «U crtditon of Uk «ieeeaW to prr«ni thrir eUim» wbe«h*T Mcsred bt XortniLr. or oiAmo*. d*ly aatheadīc«ied ana with «h« |)cop*T Toachor», if aaj eūl to Uk wilhia s!s aonllH frcm U»< d»U lwwf or th<T will t* forer<.- barr«<l; «nd «U pei*5h» īndehted to th< sūd ilttc*jcd w« m{«KSt to Bu»e ® *nedist< r*Tm<nt it lh< OtK« of §. K. Ka-se, C rncr of Kini »nd Beth<l Streets. Up-«tair#. 8. K. KAKK. TeiBporary Adtnini.trator of th< Est»t< ol Joaebb Ueano Peie. ;k) d«e»*cd. Hoaoiala. Aogu»t I*>, ld-3w AOMINiSTRATION S N0TICE. THE USDER§IGNED h»Tin« been dalr »ppointed Administratrii of tb« e*t»te of H. K. K iaihie (k), l»te of H»l»ol». Koh»l». Island of Hawaii. deceased. SoUce is hereby gircn to ail credstors of thc deceascd to p-ē«CDt lhclr rl»im« wbcther «enmi bv M >rtj»ge or othcrwi*c daly aothendicatcd »nd with thc proper Todchers. if auv exfet. to the undersi)gned wilhia stx month« from ihe Ja»c berfof or thej will be torever barrcd; and »U persons indebted to the s»id decc»ēed *re «Hueil to make immcdi»:e payment at tho Offlc« of §. K. Ka-se. Corncr of Kins vnd Bcthcl StreeW. u psiairs. MRS. NAOMl KAAIHUE, Administratrix of thc E«t»te of H. K. Kaaiui e, dece»sed. Honolnlu, Augns 14 IS)8. 3w. WAXTED. Tbree brigbt Hawaiian Oirls to sell tbe fauious VIAVI REMEDY. Apply at the ofBce of tbe Viavi Remedy on Kiag Street. ang6

Wiije \ Li^uoi 1 Eeali 19 Nuuanu Street We would eall your attentio Our Speoial Brands Longlife <$ Pure creanr. RYE WH/SKEY. Fredericksburg Beer au2 incaskoorbo' T. B. ’ Murra 1» Yet to be Fonnd On the Old Stand, Yo. Hing St.—His Bn»iiifVi CARRIAGī AND Ul l xl Goes On, When tbe “PEOPL 1 1 p ARTY" gets smashe<3 ' will be ready to > • EEPU8, PAĪI? US T81I